The project will aim to focus on reduction of large mammals poaching, fight against the use of toxic plants in fishing, reduce farming interest in wetlands and contribute to capacity building in biodiversity conservation.
Nymphea lotus floating plant.
This project will contribute to poverty alleviation and biodiversity conservation. Certain development activities without negative impact will allow integrating the populations surrounding wetlands in direct management of resources. Among those activities we can mention good practicing of fishing because actually they practice fishing with inappropriate equipment like mosquito nets and toxic products. With such practices all young fishes die and consequently fishes disappear and all other small animals are killed because of those toxic products. Moreover this project will provide to the local community alternative to agriculture in wetlands and poaching by the distribution of goats will contribute to provide meat, manure used to fertilize soils and this will improve their standard of living. This will certainly contribute to the reduction of pressure to wetlands antelopes, hippopotamus, waterbirds and many other species.
This project will also contribute in a lasting way to food security and improvement of local populations’ health by preserving soils’ fertility. The need for population to invade the wetlands for agriculture purposes will decrease.
By training about Malagarazi wetlands biodiversity conservation, different well-targeted groups such as local administration, primary school pupils, fishermen, local community will be trained to a sustainable conservation of biodiversity in Malagarazi wetlands. They will be sensitized to problems related to environment and to the protection of wetlands. This will contribute to capacity building for a lasting conservation of biodiversity in that protected area.