Friends & Partner organisation news

15 Oct 2020

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund – Temporary Change of Focus

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund – Temporary Change of Focus image

Given what has been happening these past months, The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund (MBZ) has made a temporary funding priority change. Usually MBZ would only support projects engaged in in situ conservation activities, but they have decided that for your next two application rounds (up to the end of February 2021) they will be focusing on providing grants to support the core operating costs of small, local, grassroots species conservation NGOs. This would be to cover staff salaries, office rent, etc. (essentially unrestricted funding grants) and is really intended to provide a bit of a leg up to organisations that may otherwise have to let conservationists go, or potentially close completely. The decision was based on a survey of previous grant recipients conducted in April/May 2020, and the situation is probably worse by now. MBZ intend to resurvey the same people in the coming weeks.