Project directory




6222 projects

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Alvaro García Olaechea 3 Oct 2016

Interpretation Centre and Wildlife Conservation in the Noroeste Biosphere Reserve, Peru

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Radosoa Andrianaivoarivelo 30 Sep 2016

Flying Fox Habitat Restoration and Natural Forest Sustainable Management in Eastern Madagascar

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Pablo Gervasio Grilli 29 Sep 2016

Towards the Conservation of the Critically Endangered Copper-Lizard (Pristidactylus casuhatiensis) in Pampean Hills of Argentina

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Micaela Camino 29 Sep 2016

Conserving the Last Chacoan Peccaries and their Habitats as a Strategy for Conserving the Dry Chaco

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Joseph Tuyishimire 29 Sep 2016

Biodiversity Conservation Education for the Prevention of Illegal Activities in Nyungwe Forest National Park (NNP)

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Yliana Delfín Fuentes 29 Sep 2016

Stingless Beekeeping School: Conserving Stingless Bees through Capacity-Building Workshops in Chiapas, Mexico

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Waswa Sadic Babyesiza 29 Sep 2016

Effects of Climate Change on Genetic and Species Diversity of Amphibians and Reptiles in the Albertine Rift

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Rutuja Rajendra Kolte 29 Sep 2016

In-Situ Conservation of Endemic Plants of Chaukul, Lateritic Plateau of Northern Western Ghats (NWG) of Maharashtra by Community Involvement

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Jorge Mario Becoche Mosquera 29 Sep 2016

Registering the Presence of Andean Bear (Tremarctos ornatus) in an Andean Forest on the Western Slopes of the Central Cordillera, Totoró-Cauca, Colombia

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Herman Njoroge Chege 29 Sep 2016

Bottom-Up Conservation, Empowering School Kids to be Champions of Bat Conservation in Mombasa, Kenya

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Gitanjali Katlam 29 Sep 2016

Ecological Impacts of Solid Waste Disposal Patterns on Terrestrial Vertebrates

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Gaurav Vashistha 29 Sep 2016

Population Studies on the Critically Endangered Indian Gharial Gavialis gangeticus in the Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttar Pradesh, India

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Carla Roberta Gonçalves Reis 29 Sep 2016

Impacts of Anthropogenic Fertilization on Nitrogen Dynamics in Fringe and Basin Mangrove Forests in the Estuarine-Lagunar Complex of Cananeia-Iguape, Brazil

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Alexandr Iscenco 29 Sep 2016

The Codru Quest: Economic Valuation of the Ecosystem Services of the Codru Protected Area by Using Gamification

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Linda North 16 Sep 2016

Mapping of Endangered Marine Species in Aceh Besar and Marine Environment Education and Awareness Campaign in Schools and Student Groups on the Aceh Islands

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Dao Thi Hoa Hong 16 Sep 2016

Diversity and Conservation of Valuable Timber, Non-Timber Forest Product and Rare Tree Species in a Montane Nature Reserve, North-Western Vietnam

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Liliana Cadavid Florez 16 Sep 2016

The Role of Isolated Trees in Conservation: Effects of Landscape Structure on Bird Movements, Seed Rain and Connectivity in Lowland Pastures of Veracruz, Mexico

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Behailu Etana Disasa 16 Sep 2016

Shade-Coffee Plantations as Reservoirs of Large Mammal Biodiversity in the Tropical Rain Forest of Ethiopia

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Anuar D. Hernández 16 Sep 2016

Interactions between Jaguars and their Principal Prey in Northeast Mexico

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Jean Damascene Bariyanga 13 Sep 2016

Pastoralist Communities and the Persistence of Wildlife in the Degraded Rangelands of the Former Mutara GR and the Degazetted Parts of the Akagera NP in Rwanda

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Sulemana Bawa 12 Sep 2016

Population Status and Conservation of the Critically Endangered Nubian Flap-Shell Turtle (Cyclanorbis elegans), Ghana

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Moses Kugonza 12 Sep 2016

Conservation to Co-Exist: Participatory Action Research for Wildlife Conservation in Kibale National Park, Uganda (Part 1)

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Kaushal Yadav 12 Sep 2016

Assessing the Extent of Human-Himalayan Black Bear Ursus thibetanus Conflict and Initiating Conservation Outreach Program in Parche, Nepal

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Juan Manuel Aguilar Leon 12 Sep 2016

Understanding Anuran Responses to Rainforest Fragmentation and Oil Palm Agriculture

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Sophea Chhin 12 Sep 2016

Ecological and Conservation Status of the Endemic Arborophila cambodiana and Common Tropicoperdix chloropus in Southwest Cambodia