Project directory




6217 projects

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Bep Tshering 6 Sep 2016

Assessment of Human-Elephant (Elephas maximus) Conflict and Co-Existence in the Fringe Communities of South-Eastern Bhutan

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Khadananda Paudel 5 Sep 2016

Involving Veterinary Practitioners for the Conservation of Critically Endangered Vultures in Eastern Lowland of Nepal

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Ashish Thomas 5 Sep 2016

Addressing Conservation Issues of the Endangered Purple Frog through Ecological Studies and Community Education

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Ngan Trong Tran 5 Sep 2016

Surveys to Find Threatened Fishes in the Dong Nai River, Vietnam

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Franciany Gabriella Braga Pereira 5 Sep 2016

Hunting and Use of Wild Mammals by Human Communities in a Conservation Area in Angola-The Influence of Environment on Hunters's Niche Breadth

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Zeeshan A. Mirza 5 Sep 2016

Bio-Inventory of Mygalomorph Spiders of India II

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Ngawang Dema 5 Sep 2016

Ecology and Habitat Assessment of Critically Endangered Nardostachys jatamansi for Deduction of Conservation Strategies in West Alpine Region of Bhutan- Lingzhi

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Damber Kumar Ghemiray 5 Sep 2016

Habitat Assessment at the Upcoming Captive Breeding Site of White-Bellied Heron (Ardea insignis) at Burichu, Central Bhutan- Underpinning Conservation Efforts

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Dago Dorji 5 Sep 2016

Distribution, Habitat Use, Threats and Conservation of the Critically Endangered Chinese Pangolin (Manis pentadactyla) in Samtse District, Bhutan

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Karolina Riaño 2 Sep 2016

Soil Quality and Biotic Factors Related to the Invasion of Pteridium sp. in the Lacandon Tropical Rain Forest Ecosystem in México

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Ivan Svetozarevic 1 Sep 2016

Ecotourism Accelerating Nature Protection on National Park Djerdap, Serbia

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Sunil Lal Rajbhandari 31 Aug 2016

Enhancing the Reproductive and Hatching Success of Critically Endangered Gavialis gangeticus in the Narayani River of Chitwan National Park

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Dharmendra Lamsal 31 Aug 2016

Understanding the Responses of Alpine Grassland Communities to Future Climate Warming in the Sikkim Himalaya Biodiversity Hotspot

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Charles J. Kilawe 31 Aug 2016

The Impact of Invasive Tree Species Cedrela odorota on Population of Critically Endangered Lizard Species Lygodactylus williamsi at Kimboza Forest Reserve, Tanzania

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Karuna Karki 25 Aug 2016

Determinants of Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Human-Snow Leopard Conflict in Nepal I

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Seidu Issah 24 Aug 2016

Combining Research and Community Education to Conserve Odonata and Freshwater Habitats in Southern Ghana

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David A. Prieto-Torres 23 Aug 2016

Maximizing Species Protection in the Zulia State under Global Climatic Change: Bridging Species Richness and Priorities Conservation for Bird Communities

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Sinan Mavruk 23 Aug 2016

Strongholds for Groupers in Iskenderun Bay: Defining Conservation Hotspots for Sustainability

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Artyom V. Leostrin 23 Aug 2016

Conservation of Relictual Rich Fens in the Middle Russia (Kostroma Oblast)

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Costa Rica

Annie Koehler Clift 23 Aug 2016

Sea Turtle Nesting Conservation and Beach Protection Project Led by Local Artisanal Fisherman at Bejuco Beach, Costa Rica

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Rachel Ashegbofe Ikemeh 22 Aug 2016

Nigerian – Cameroon Chimpanzee Research and Conservation Efforts in Southwestern Nigerian Forests

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Srećko Čolić 22 Aug 2016

Assessment of Distribution and Conservation Status of the European Mudminnow (Umbra krameri) in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Alfonsina Arriaga Jiménez 22 Aug 2016

Diversity of Dung Beetles in High Mountains of Oaxaca

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Elizabeth Grace Tunka Bengil 18 Aug 2016

Is Opportunistic Sampling Enough? Shark and Ray Population Genetics and Bioecology in Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey

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Chris Bone 18 Aug 2016

Creating a Sustainable Livelihood in Communities to Take Pressure off Marine Resources