Project directory




6216 projects

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Gaius Wilson 27 Jun 2016

Estimating a Critically Endangered Sumatran Elephant Population and Developing Human-Elephant Coexistence Strategies in Leuser Ecosystem

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Rigers Bakiu 27 Jun 2016

Promote the Protection of Mediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus monachus) in Albanian Coastal Regions

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Nayantara Jain 27 Jun 2016

Harnessing the Recreational Diver Community in India for Coral Reef Monitoring: Creating a Citizen Science Protocol for the Andaman Islands

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Larissa Sayuri Moreira Sugai 27 Jun 2016

Acoustic Approaches for the Conservation of Anuran Signalling Assemblages in Brazilian Pantanal Wetlands

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María Inés Pereda 23 Jun 2016

Protecting the Saffron-Cowled Blackbird: The Last Population of Argentina’s Grassland Symbol

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Rupabanhi Debnath 23 Jun 2016

Towards Conservation of a Vulnerable Reef Fish- Bolbometopon muricatum (Bumphead Parrotfish) in Andaman Islands, India

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Costa Rica

Jimmy Barrantes-Madrigal 23 Jun 2016

The Common Coqui Frog: A Latent Threat in Costa Rica

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Tshering Samdrup 20 Jun 2016

Habitat Use and Conservation Threats of Blyth’s tragopan (Tragopan blythii) in Jomotshangkha Wildlife Sanctuary (JWS)


Tanushree Srivastava 20 Jun 2016

Understanding the Reproductive Phenology of Mountain Ungulates in Sikkim Himalaya

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Lha Tshering 20 Jun 2016

Evaluating Habitat and Human-Bear Conflict in Phrumshingla National Park, Bhutan – To Seek Solutions for Human-Bear Co-Existence

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Maja Ilić 16 Jun 2016

Local Community as an Alarm System for Preserving High Mountain Aquatic Habitats of Serbia Impacted by Climate Change

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Beryl Achieng Makori 16 Jun 2016

Bat Habitat Use in Mangrove Forests with Differing Disturbance Levels, Northern Coastal Kenya

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Leki 16 Jun 2016

Grazing Competition between Blue Sheep and Domestic Livestock in the Bhutanese Trans-Himalaya and Its Impact on the Endangered Snow Leopard

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Kuenzang Dorji 16 Jun 2016

Religious Advocacy for Highlanders to Advocate Conservation Awareness on Survival of Small Mammals: Prey-Base of Grus nigricollis in Phobjikha,Wangdue, Bhutan

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Kinley Dorji 16 Jun 2016

Sharing Responsibility; Establishing Conservation Management of Freshwater Ecosystem by Assessment of Macro-Invertebrates in Headstreams of Wangchhu River

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Javier Paul Oña Lema 16 Jun 2016

Song Occurrence and Culture of Humpback Whales Breeding Off the Coast of Ecuador

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Ilona Stepanyan 16 Jun 2016

Elaboration of In-Situ and Ex-Situ Conservation Measures for Two Red-Listed Species of Armenian Amphibians (Ommatotriton ophryticus and Pelobates syriacus)

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Francisco Mora Ardila 16 Jun 2016

Participatory Identification of Tropical Dry Forest Management Alternatives for Livestock Production and Forest Conservation in the Chamela Region, Mexico

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Fanuel Kawaka 16 Jun 2016

Integrating Local Schools in the Conservation of Wild Orchids in Kericho Forest, Kenya

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Bal Krishna Koirala 15 Jun 2016

Study on Diversity and Spatial Distribution of Snakes, and Analysing Public Health Problem Associated with Snakes Bite in Sarpang District, Southern Bhutan

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Yasuní Chiriboga 14 Jun 2016

Spatial Ecology and Conservation of Neonates and Juvenile Blacktip Reef Sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus) at San Cristobal Island, Galapagos Marine Reserve

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Iuliia Vasheniak 14 Jun 2016

Rare Species and Habitats Conservation Occurred in the Limestone Outcrops of Dnister Canyon

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Vahagn Hakobyan 14 Jun 2016

Exploration and Identification of the New Habitants for Papilionaceae Endangered Species in Armenia

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Tashi Phuntsho 14 Jun 2016

Comparative Study of Avifauna Diversity in Khotokha and Gogona Forest Management Units in Western Region, Bhutan: Understanding the Conservation Repercussion

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Sonam Wangchuk 14 Jun 2016

Hazard Assessment of Luggye Glacial Lake: An Alternative Long Term Approach for Conserving Aquatic Habitat, Punatshang Chhu, Bhutan