Project directory




6216 projects

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Aluane Silva Ferreira 19 May 2016

Do Forest Cover and Management Intensification Influence the Mammal Community in Shade Cacao Plantations in Contrasting Landscapes?

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Aaron Manga Mongombe 19 May 2016

Diversity, Distribution and Ecology of Bats on Mount Cameroon

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María Flavia Caruso 12 May 2016

The Impact of Local People’s Attitudes and Perceptions of Protected Areas on the Conservation of Jaguar (Panthera onca) in Midwest and Northeast Argentinian

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Roman Cherepanyn 12 May 2016

Status and Structure of Populations of Rare Arctic-Alpine Plant Species in Highland Ecosystems of Ukrainian Carpathians

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Camila Deutsch 12 May 2016

Ceratophrys ornata, the Giant of the Pampas: Developing a Comprehensive Conservation and Management Strategy

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Antonio Robério Gomes Freire Filho 11 May 2016

Conservation Strategy for Caatinga Howler Monkey (Alouatta ululata), Northeastern Brazil

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David Novoa Mahecha 10 May 2016

Resilience in Building Conservation Agreements: An Analysis in the Constitution of the Yaigojé Apaporis National Park

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Nada Cosic 10 May 2016

Distribution and Conservation of the European Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) Populations in Mountain Regions of East and Southeast Serbia

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Juana Garcia Flores 10 May 2016

Mayan Community Knowledge for the Conservation and Restoration of Forest Systems in Tabasco, Mexico I

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Ivar Vleut 10 May 2016

The Movement Ecology of Two Rare Carnivorous Bats in Mexico and Prospects for their Conservation

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Chandrasekaran Kumar 10 May 2016

Awareness, Survey and Conservation of Rays in Indian Coast Lines

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Ana Hacohen Domené 10 May 2016

Participatory Management of Elasmobranch Fishermen in the Caribbean of Guatemala

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Cara Elizabeth Steger 6 May 2016

Participatory Mapping of Ecosystem Services in the Ethiopian Highlands

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Simon Pierce 6 May 2016

Net Loss: Mitigating the Impacts of Artisanal Fisheries on Whale Sharks in Mozambique

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Luis Roberto Víquez Rodríguez 6 May 2016

The Effect of Large Scale Migration and Food Source Changes on the Gastrointestinal Microbiome of the Lesser Long-Nosed Bat (Leptonycteris yerbabuenae)

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Grigor Janoyan 6 May 2016

Protecting Armenian Whiskered Bat

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Rodrigo Garcia Pingaro 4 May 2016

Towards Community-Based Marine Protected Areas, for Uruguay’s Coastal and Ocean Waters: "Guardians of the Whale and Dolphin Sanctuary"

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Dessalegn Obsi Gemeda 4 May 2016

Enhancing the Conservation of the Vulnerable Black Crowned Cranes in Chora Boter District of Jimma Zone. The Case of Ethiopia

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Prosper Kwame Antwi 3 May 2016

Community-Based Approach to Marine and Coastal Resources Management in the Muni-Pomadze Ramsar Site, Ghana

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Maximilian Hirschfeld 3 May 2016

Population Connectivity of Galapagos Bullhead Sharks and the Identification of Key Habitats for Conservation in the Galapagos Archipelago

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Smrittee Kala Panta 3 May 2016

Linking Communities and Conservation through Ecotourism in Bardia National Park

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Raffaello Di Ponzio 3 May 2016

Aerial Insectivorous Bat Responses to Forest Insularization at an Amazonian Hydroelectric Dam

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Nguyen Hoang Khanh Linh 3 May 2016

Building Database of Coastal Mangroves by GIS and Satellite Image for Serving Conservation and Restoration in Duy Xuyen District, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam

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Karma Sherub 3 May 2016

Foraging Behaviour, Food Resources and Habitat Use by Rufous-Necked Hornbill (Aceros nipalensis) in Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park, Bhutan

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Congo (DRC)

Jerome Amube 3 May 2016

Ecological Monitoring of Flagship Mammal Species in Maiko National Park