Project directory




6216 projects

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Nay Zaw Hlaing 15 Apr 2016

Community Initiatives for Riparian Conservation Inle (RCI) in Myanmar (I)

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Letro 15 Apr 2016

Status and Distribution of Himalayan Black Bear and the Status of Human-Bear Conflict in Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park

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Leandro Alecio dos Santos Abade 15 Apr 2016

Informing Conservation Planning and Conflict Mitigation Strategies by Assessing Determinants of Large Carnivore Presence across Tanzania’s Ruaha Landscape

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Jamphel Wangmo 15 Apr 2016

Assessment of Community Awareness on Critically Endangered White- Bellied Heron and Endangered Black-Necked Crane in Bhutan

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Gonzalo Ossa 12 Apr 2016

The Next Frontier for White-Nose Syndrome: Identifying High-Risk Species and High-Impact Management Practices in South America

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Vinh Quang Luu 12 Apr 2016

Taxonomy, Phylogeny, Geography and Evolution of Bent-Toed Geckos (Squamata: Gekkonidae) Along the Annamite Mountain Range: A Case Study in Hin Nam No, Laos

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Katarina Ljubisavljevic 12 Apr 2016

Assessing Threats and Setting Conservation Priorities for Endemic Balkan Rock Lizards (Dinarolacerta spp.) and their Habitats in the Mountains of Montenegro

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Johnson Grayson Mshana 12 Apr 2016

Community Participation in the Conservation of Critically Endangered Jipe Tilapia Oreochromis jipe and Lake Jipe Ecosystem in Tanzania

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Hussein Zahir 12 Apr 2016

Continued Capacity Building of Maldives In-Country Management and Monitoring of Threatened Coral Reefs & Development of a Draft MPA Management Plan

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Edward Mongin 12 Apr 2016

Conservation of the Great Snipe through a Development of Appropriate Habitat Management and Public Awareness

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Rinchen Dorji 12 Apr 2016

Diversity and Ethno-Botany of Ferns in Western Bhutan

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Pilar Herron 12 Apr 2016

Sustainability of the Artisanal Fishing Gears Used in the Colombian Pacific Coast

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Péter Villányi 12 Apr 2016

Conservation of Critical Habitats of Moustached Warbler in Albania

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Nwaogu Chima Josiah 11 Apr 2016

Reversing the Human Induced Decline of Fruit Plants in an Important Bird Area in Nigeria: Consequences for Bird Diversity

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Nima Gyeltshen 11 Apr 2016

Distribution Ecology and Conservation Status of Threatened Paphiopedilum fairrieanum in Ngala, Zhemgang District, Southern Bhutan

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Kamal Devkota 11 Apr 2016

Snakes and their Conservation in Rupandehi District, Nepal

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Bulafu Collins Edward 11 Apr 2016

Safeguarding Encephalartos whitelokii through Ex-Situ and In-Situ Conservation

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Yoamel Milián-García 31 Mar 2016

Conservation Genetics and Molecular Systematics of Cuban Crocodylus (Crocodylia: Crocodylidae)

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Vernes Zagora 31 Mar 2016

Distribution and Vulnerability of Highly Endangered Karst Viper in Central and North Part of Montenegro, and Preparing for Long-Term Monitoring

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Tomás Michel Rodríguez Cabrera 31 Mar 2016

Ecology and Conservation of the Endemic Scorpion Genus Tityopsis in Native Forests of Western Cuba (II)

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Moushumi Basu 31 Mar 2016

Managing Man Tiger Conflicts & Conserving Tigers in Indian Sunderbans by Restoring Mangrove Bio Diversity with Community Participation II


Zhaskairat Nurmukhambetov 30 Mar 2016

Creating of Supplemental Feeding Sites for the Conservation of Vulture's Population in Ustyurt State Nature Reserve, Kazakhstan

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Thierry Dèhouégnon Houehanou 30 Mar 2016

Towards Botanic Garden Setting through Community-Based Knowledge for Forest Genetic Resources Conservation and Training Students in Sudanian Zone of Benin

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Tariku Mekonnen Gutema 30 Mar 2016

Behavioral Ecology of the African Wolf and its Potential Effect on the Survival of the Endangered Ethiopian Wolf in the Ethiopian Highlands

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Saroj Panthi 30 Mar 2016

Conservation Ecology of Himalayan Black Bear (Ursus thibetanus) in Kailash Sacred Landscape of Nepal