Project directory




6207 projects

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Vincent Shacks 12 Jan 2016

Measuring the Recovery of the Previously Exploited Crocodile Population in the Okavango Delta

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Margaret Awuor Owuor 12 Jan 2016

Enhancing Community Awareness, Participation and Education in Environment Conservation and Management of Akara Hills, Kenya II

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Hung Manh Pham 12 Jan 2016

Diversity and Conservation of Fish Community in the Krong No River, Langbiang Plateau, Vietnam

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Tausi Ally Khitentya 8 Jan 2016

Environmental Education and Community Involvement towards Conservation of Endangered Tilapia Oreochromis amphimelas and its Ecosystem in Lake Kitangiri, Tanzania

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Richard Olwa 8 Jan 2016

Promoting Population Recovery of Critically Endangered Cichlids Fish Species Endemic to Lake Victoria through Artisanal Fisherfolks Participation, Uganda

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Deyatima Ghosh 8 Jan 2016

Herpetofaunal Diversity and Conservation in Eastern Indian Agroecosystems

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South Africa

Tawanda Tinago 6 Jan 2016

Incorporating Genetic Data into Conservation Assessments for Doratogonus Attems 1914 Species (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Spirostreptidae)

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Nicolás Pelegrin 4 Jan 2016

Measuring the Impact of Recreational Hunting on Chaco Reptiles in Argentina. Are Educational Activities Helpful Actions to Reduce the Killings?

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Bhau Katdare 4 Jan 2016

The Konkan Vulture Project: Monitoring and Awareness Drives at Identified Vulture Feeding Grounds

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Sara Lucía Colmenares Trejos 4 Jan 2016

Functional Trait Approaches to Understand Ecological Processes of Palm Species along an Altitudinal Variation Gradient in Threatened Brazilian Atlantic Forest

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Nguyen Thi Thu 4 Jan 2016

An Assessment of Plant Diversity and Conservation in Muong La Upstream-Protection Forest, Son La Province, Vietnam

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Mrunal Milind Ghosalkar 4 Jan 2016

Doodling the Cat: Using Art to Teach School Children How to Share Space with Leopards to Reduce Conflicts

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Faith Chesire 4 Jan 2016

The Conservation Knowledge and Attitudes of Riparian Communities within Nyando Wetland toward the African Clawless Otter

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Clay Plager-Unger 22 Dec 2015

Dry Tropical Forest Revegetation and Bioregional Education Project I

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Chanratana Pin 22 Dec 2015

Waterhole Use by Threatened Mammals and Large Waterbirds in Mondulkiri Protected Forest, Eastern Plain Landscape, Cambodia

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Noumbissi Tenku 22 Dec 2015

Safeguarding Bat Habitat in Ekona: Increasing Forest Size and Decreasing Forest Demand through Sustainable Cocoa Farming

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Marcos Rubén Ortega Álvarez 17 Dec 2015

Birds within Multifunctional Landscapes: Analyzing Ecological Patterns and Processes for Assessing and Managing Communal Productive Ecosystems

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Rekha Warrier 17 Dec 2015

Devising a Landscape Scale Conservation Strategy for Large Mammals in the Central Terai Landscape, India

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Marko Nikolić 17 Dec 2015

The Influence of Local Folklore and Cultural Heritage on the Conflict between Man and Hermann’s Tortoises (Testudo hermanni) in Serbia

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Inti Martín Carro Guichón 17 Dec 2015

Diversity and State of Conservation of Medium and Large Mammal Population at the Conservation Area of Quebrada Del Yerbal, Rocha, Uruguay

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Ilaíne Silveira Matos 17 Dec 2015

Vulnerability of High Altitude Grasslands to Extreme Drought Events: The Role of Facilitation, Alternative Sources of Water and Functional Diversity

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Helen Taylor-Boyd 17 Dec 2015

Bat Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation in Zambia

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Adi Vesnic 14 Dec 2015

Wood Ants as Indicators of Virgin Forests of Spruce and Fir in Bosnia-Herzegovina (Formica rufa group)

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Wander Oliveira Godinho 14 Dec 2015

Conservation Plan for the Estuary of Mundaú River – Brazil

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Phub Dorji 14 Dec 2015

Conservation of Endangered Asiatic Dhole (Cuon alpinus) in Buffer Area of Jigme Khesar Strict Nature Reserve, Haa, Bhutan