Project directory




6204 projects

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Laia Juliana Muñoz Abril 4 Nov 2015

Trophic Ecology and Connectivity of Yellow-Fin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) Between the Galapagos Marine Reserve and the Ecuadorian Mainland

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Sao Tome and Principe

Ricardo de Lima 3 Nov 2015

The Role of Bird Seed Dispersal on São Tomé Forest Dynamics

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Miguel Iniguez Bessega 3 Nov 2015

Awareness, Eco-Tourism and Research: Conservation of Franciscana (Pontoporia blainvillei) and Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)

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Kashuf Batool 3 Nov 2015

Enhancing the Capacity of Local Communities for the Conservation of Butterflies in and around Salkhala Game Reserve, Kashmir Himalaya, Pakistan

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Iurii Strus 3 Nov 2015

Fen Mires of Ukrainian Polissia – Highly Important Breeding Areas for Rare Waders (Charadrii)

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Sangay Drukpa 3 Nov 2015

Status of Black-Necked Crane and Population Dynamic with Availability of Food (Fallen Grains) in Trashiyangtse Wintering Habitat

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South Africa

Monica Mwale 3 Nov 2015

Characterisation and Validation of STR Loci and DNA Markers for Forensic Identification of Endangered Vulture Species in South Africa

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Mohamed Faza Henriques Baldé 3 Nov 2015

Vultures in Guinea-Bissau: Developing Monitoring Tools, Assessing Conservation Status, and Raising Awareness Concerning their Provision of Ecosystem Services

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Mahmood Soofi 3 Nov 2015

Effects of Anthropogenic Pressure on Large Mammals in the Relict Hyrcanian Forest, Iran

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Boris Davidov 3 Nov 2015

Population Research of Danube Salmon in Una River, with Notes to Conservation

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Alona Prylutska 3 Nov 2015

Shared House: Development of Long-Lasting Conservation Strategy of Urban Bat Habitats in Developing Countries of the Eastern Europe

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Silvia Cristina Holz 30 Oct 2015

Atlantic Forest Restoration in the Buffer Zone of Iguazu National Park (Misiones, Argentina) II & III


Mario Santos Beade 30 Oct 2015

Pampas Deer Conservation in Argentina Grasslands of Buenos Aires Province

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Darko Saveljic 28 Oct 2015

Protection of Endangered Marine Turtle, Montenegro

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Shova Thapa 28 Oct 2015

The Benefits of Nature Conservation - Implications of Economic Instruments to Reduce Human-Wildlife Conflict in the Case of Three VDCs of Royal Bardia

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William Chrispo Hamisy 28 Oct 2015

Development of Conservation Strategies for the Wild Edible Orchids in Tanzania

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Francesco Rovero 28 Oct 2015

Udzungwa Mountains Primate and Forest Antelope Conservation Project

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Steven Matema 23 Oct 2015

Use of Human-Wildlife Interaction Databases to Mitigate Human-Wildlife Conflict and Save Mega Fauna in a Transfrontier Conservation Area in Zimbabwe

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Samson Andrew Da'an 23 Oct 2015

Effects of Human Activities in Pandam Wildlife Park: Do Breeding Birds Benefit from Cattle Grazing and Poaching?

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Robert van Zalinge 23 Oct 2015

Improving Stakeholder Understanding of Sarus Crane Ecological Requirements for Management of Key Wetlands in Cambodia

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Raju Acharya 23 Oct 2015

Owl Conservation in Western Hill of Nepal I

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Peninah Aloo Obudho 23 Oct 2015

Establishment of a Botanical Garden and Nature Trail for Environmental Education and Community Awareness Creation at Karatina University, Kenya

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Bikram Shrestha 23 Oct 2015

Interaction between Sympatric Species (Snow Leopard, Common Leopard and Lynx) and their Conservation in Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal

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Bijaya Kumar Kabi 23 Oct 2015

Community Stewardship in Conservation and Sustainable Management of Mangroves in Odisha Coast IV

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Arsen Gasparyan 23 Oct 2015

The Lichen Conservation and Education Initiative in Armenia