Project directory




6204 projects

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Alphonse Modestus Msigwa 10 Sep 2015

Ecology and Role of Land Use on Abundance, Diversity and Distribution of Small Mammalian Carnivores in Ruaha Ecosystems, Tanzania

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Abebayehu Aticho 10 Sep 2015

Improving Wattled Crane (Bugeranus carunculatus) Population through Community Based Conservation in Boye Wetland Complex, Jimma, Southwest Ethiopia

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María Laura Agüero 14 Aug 2015

Population Ecology of the Endemic Flightless Chubut Steamerduck in Patagonia, Argentina (Tachyeres leucocephalus): Conservation and Management Implications

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Krisztián Gyöngyi 13 Aug 2015

Conservation Ecology of Black Rhino in Liwonde National Park II

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Sang Ngoc Nguyen 13 Aug 2015

Documenting the Reptile Fauna in Vietnam: A Test of Capture-Analysis-Release Approach

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Nguyen Van Kien 13 Aug 2015

Long-Term Biophysical and Socio-Economic Monitoring of Floating Rice-Based and Intensive Rice Farming Systems in Mekong Delta

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Aadrean 12 Aug 2015

The Small-Clawed Otter (Aonyx cinerea) in a Human-Disturbed Landscape: Home Range and Conflict with Fish Farmers

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Adrián Azpiroz 12 Aug 2015

Pampas Meadowlark: Using a Flagship Species to Promote Conservation in South American Grasslands IV

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Dorothy Hamada 12 Aug 2015

Agroforestry for Sustainability: Demonstration of Agro-forestry on Mountain Slopes in Baguio City and Benguet Province, Philippines

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Cayman Islands

Jeanette Moss 12 Aug 2015

Evaluating Population Recruitment and Hatchling Survivorship in Cyclura nubila caymanensis at Communal Nesting Sites on Little Cayman Island

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Chee Su Yin 12 Aug 2015

Eco-Engineering: Design with Nature

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Sri Lanka

Tharaka Kusuminda 12 Aug 2015

Species Diversity and Pest Control Service of Insectivorous Bats in Major Tea Growing Regions in Sri Lanka

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Carlos Alberto Mancina 10 Aug 2015

National Survey and Action Plan for the Bats of Cuba: Generating a Long-Term Strategy for Conservation

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Wisdom Jaccoh Nyondoh 10 Aug 2015

Mwakifwamba Community Forest Reserve

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Dianah Nalwanga 10 Aug 2015

Using Low-Key Monitoring to Promote Community Conservation of the Blue Swallow, in Mabamba Bay, a Key Biodiversity Area, North of Lake Victoria, in Uganda

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Cristina Nuñez Godoy 10 Aug 2015

More than Cashmere: Engaging Herders and Buyers in Wildlife-Friendly Certification to Help Save Endangered Andean Cat in Patagonia

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Alejandro Alberto Schaaf 5 Aug 2015

Effect of Conventional Logging on Cavity-Nesting Birds in Northwestern Argentina - Implications for Sustainable Forest Management

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Nikunj Jambu 5 Aug 2015

Avifaunal Conservation through Research, Awareness and Generating Alternative Livelihood Options in Purna Wildlife Sanctuary, Gujarat

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Heloisa Dantas Brum 5 Aug 2015

Ecological Basis for Sustainable Extractivism in the Amazon I

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Martin Stelfox 5 Aug 2015

Understanding Ghost Nets in Pakistan

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Eliot Logan-Hines 3 Aug 2015

Community Based Wildlife Monitoring and Management in Napo, Ecuador

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Rajendra Dhungana 3 Aug 2015

Human-Tiger Conflict in Chitwan National Park, Nepal

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Nirmala Panthy 3 Aug 2015

Distribution, Habitat Modelling, Economic Contribution and Conservation of Yarsagumba (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) in Api Nampa Conservation Area of Nepal

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Monica Gonzalez 3 Aug 2015

A Science-Based Approach to Conserving the Critically Endangered Ecuadorian Capuchin Cebus aequatorialis

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José Neiva Mesquita Neto 3 Aug 2015

Conservation of the Relationship between Bees and Plants Pollinated by Vibration