Project directory




6204 projects

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Frederico da Costa Santarém 3 Aug 2015

Conserving Desert Biodiversity through Crocodile-Based Ecotourism in Mauritania

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M. Fernanda Urrutia-Osorio 3 Aug 2015

Photo-Identification, Abundance and Distribution of Cetaceans in the Gulf of California: Providing Information Needed for Informed Management and Conservation I

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dragana Šnjegota 3 Aug 2015

Monitoring of Grey Wolf Population from Bosnia and Herzegovina with the Aim to Create Conservation Strategy

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Anna Moldovan 3 Aug 2015

Beetle Communities and their Conservation in Steppe Areas of Republic of Moldova

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Anderson Saldanha Bueno 28 Jul 2015

Ecological Impacts of River Damming on Forest Bird Assemblages in the Brazilian Amazon

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Aylin Akkaya Baş 28 Jul 2015

Combining Research with Education for Cetacean Conservation in Fethiye-Göcek SEPA Turkey

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Dennisse Cinthya Ruelas Pacheco 28 Jul 2015

Banding for Conservation of the Endangered Species Long-Snouted Bat, Platalina genovensium, in Southern Peru

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Gloria Kendi Borona 28 Jul 2015

Investigating People-Forest Relationships around Central Kenya’s Aberdare Forest Reserve: Understanding their Sustainability through Indigenous Knowledge Systems

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Ndameu Benoit 24 Jul 2015

Support Project for Setting up a Multi Stakeholder’s Framework for Sustainable Traditional Hunting in Ayos and Neighbouring Villages

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Hemant G Tripathi 24 Jul 2015

Mammals in Mopane Woodlands, How Will they Survive the Charcoal Boom?

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Natalia Botero Acosta 23 Jul 2015

Using Satellite Telemetry to Determine the Role of Escorts Joining Mother and Calf Pairs of Humpback Whales in the Colombian Pacific

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Shivish Bhandari 23 Jul 2015

Assessment of Suitable Habitat, Estimation of Population and Conservation of Striped Hyaena in Sarlahi and Rautahat, Nepal

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Kinley Wangchuk 23 Jul 2015

Macro-Invertebrates Diversity and Water Quality Assessment in Four Streams that Join Mo Chhu River, Punakha

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Constanza Schapheer Carrasco 23 Jul 2015

Conservation Status Assessment and Outreach on Native Cockroaches in Mediterranean Matorral, Central Chile

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Chimmi Dorji 23 Jul 2015

To Assess Effect of Electric Fencing as a Mitigation Measures to Human-Bear Conflict and Black Bear Ecology

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María Daniela Rodríguez 21 Jul 2015

Effect of Fire on Structure and Functioning of Mammal´s Communities in Desertified Aridlands

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Trang Nguyen 21 Jul 2015

Tackling the Illegal Trade of Ivory in Cambodia

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Alexander Markus Mossbrucker 20 Jul 2015

Securing a Future for Sumatran Elephants in Harapan Rainforest

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Le Duy 20 Jul 2015

The Research and Conservation of Eastern Sarus Crane (Grus antigone sharpii) in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

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Shahriar Caesar Rahman 20 Jul 2015

Ecology and Conservation of Burmese Python in Bangladesh

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Florencia Andrea Trama 20 Jul 2015

Pesticides Bioaccumulation on Aquatic Biodiversity in Rice Fields and Mangroves of Piura, Peru

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North Macedonia

Emanuel Lisichanets 20 Jul 2015

Direct Conservation Activities for Conservation of Imperial Eagles in Macedonia

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Derek E. Lee 20 Jul 2015

Science, Education and Advocacy for Community Conservation of Tropical Ungulates: Documenting Wildlife Management Area (WMA) Effectiveness

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Alain Senghor K. Ngute 20 Jul 2015

Conservation of the Threatened Avifauna of Mount Mbam Forest, Cameroon: An Important Site for Bannerman’s Turaco Tauraco bannermani

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Eliana Micaela Alfaro Córdova 20 Jul 2015

Characterization of Mobulid Ray Fishery in Northern Peru through Field Observation and DNA Barcoding Techniques