Project directory




6204 projects

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Supatchaya Techachoochert 29 Jun 2015

Population Size and Ecology of Giant Nuthatch (Sitta magna)

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Phan Dung 29 Jun 2015

Asssessment and Conservation of Threatened Plant Species in Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark, Vietnam

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Natalia Lucia Carrillo Reyna 29 Jun 2015

Movements and Landscape Use of Baird's Tapir (Tapirus bairdii) in Calakmul Biosphere Reserve and Influence Zone


Courtney E Cox 25 Jun 2015

Evaluating and Improving Coral Reef Conservation Strategies across the Mesoamerican Coral Reef

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Manuel Alejandro Barrios Izas 24 Jun 2015

Strengthening Montane Ecosystems Conservation at Guatemala Assessing it from Leaf Litter Weevil Diversity and Endemism’s

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Robert Vargovitsh 24 Jun 2015

Diversity and Conservation of the North-West Caucasian Cave-Dwelling Invertebrate Fauna

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Mehreen Khaleel 24 Jun 2015

Distribution, Ecology and Habitat Use of the Himalayan Gray Langur, Semnopithecus ajax in Jammu and Kashmir, India

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Luz Aura de Wit 24 Jun 2015

Understanding the Role of Feral Cats in the Transmission of Toxoplasmosis in Islands: A Case Study from Two Mexican Islands

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Michael S Roy 19 Jun 2015

Persistence in Spite of Chytrid: A Re-survey of Atelopus limosus in Panama

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Mátyás Prommer 19 Jun 2015

Continuation of Saker Falcon and Steppe Biodiversity Conservation in Ukraine

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Ranjit Pandey 19 Jun 2015

Butterflies and Climate Change: Development of a Community Based Conservation and Monitoring Program

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Judith Natsai Theodora Kushata 19 Jun 2015

Understanding Pangolin Ecology and Mapping their Distribution in the Largest Protected Area of Zimbabwe

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Doris Rodriguez Guzman 19 Jun 2015

Tracking the Trail of the Peruvian Tern (Sternula lorata), Peru – South America

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Andrews Agyekumhene 19 Jun 2015

Working with Fishing Communities to Reduce Sea Turtle By-Catch in Gill Net Fishery along the Central Coast of Ghana

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Nabil Musa 15 Jun 2015

Riverine Ecosystem Health Project of Iraqi Kurdistan

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Gritsina Maria 15 Jun 2015

Specification of the Status of the Pallas's Cat (Otocolobus manul) in Uzbekistan

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Costa Rica

Heather McTavish 15 Jun 2015

Using Ecotourism to Improve Forest Connectivity and Protect Ecosystem Services in Talamanca Central Volcanic Biological Corridor, Costa Rica

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Abi Henry Nibam 15 Jun 2015

Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Turtle Species in the Face of Artisanal Fishing and Climate Change in the Atlantic Coastline of Ebodje, Cameroon

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To Kim Lien 12 Jun 2015

Literacy for Environmental Justice in Vietnam II

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Evelyn Piña Covarrubias 12 Jun 2015

Acoustic Monitoring of Human Exploitation and Wildlife in Tropical Forests of the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico

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Lawir Felix Yuven 10 Jun 2015

Supporting Reforestation and Agroforestry Practices in the Kumbo Watershed, a Pathway for Livelihood Improvement and Biodiversity Sustainability

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Gabriela M Velez Rubio 10 Jun 2015

The Endangered Green Turtle in a Plastic Sea: Working from the Protected Areas to Awareness the Uruguayan Society about Marine Debris

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Emina Sunje 10 Jun 2015

Establishment of Regional Conservation Plan for Endagered Populations of Black Salamander from Mt. Prenj

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Ana Cinti 10 Jun 2015

Assessing the Performance of Institutional Arrangements to Reconcile Conservation and Small-Scale Fisheries in Marine Protected Areas: Cases from South America

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Tijo K Joy 10 Jun 2015

Study on Bat Ecology, Diversity, Distribution and Conservation Status in the Idukki Landscape of Southern Western Ghats, India