Project directory




6204 projects

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Richard Gyamfi Boakye 26 Feb 2015

Improving the Livelihoods of the Rural Poor around Bia Conservation Area through Beekeeping for Honey Production

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Purna B. Chhetri 26 Feb 2015

Ecology and Sustainable Management of Ophiocordyceps sinensis from Three Alpine Regions of Bhutan Himalayas

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Palestine, State of

Mohammed Ibrahim Abudaya 26 Feb 2015

Assessment of the Gaza Fishery of the Giant Devil Ray (Mobulamobular) In the Wider Context of its Protection Status in the Mediterranean I

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Igor A. Balashov 26 Feb 2015

Conservation of Terrestrial Molluscs in Ukraine

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Dereje Tesfaye Delkaso 26 Feb 2015

Threatened Colobus guereza gallarum Behavioral Ecology in Ethiopia and Colobus guereza Intraspecific Divergence across its Range in African

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Angela Maria Maldonado Rodriguez 20 Feb 2015

The Aotus Project: Enhancing Environmental Law Enforcement and Conservation Awareness at the Colombian-Peruvian Border Using the Night Monkeys as Flagship Species

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Nelli Barseghyan 20 Feb 2015

The Study of Reproduction Ecology of Endangered Endemic Fish Species Sevan Trout

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Aleksandar Simović 19 Feb 2015

Distribution and Conservation of the Highly Endangered Lowland Populations of the Bosnian Adder (Vipera berus bosniensis) in Serbia

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Paul Richard Bartlett 18 Feb 2015

Collaborative Action to Save Wild Populations of Betula megrelica - An Endangered, Alpine Tree in the Western Caucasus

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Gayane Karagyan 18 Feb 2015

Current State of Endangered Insect Species of Southern Armenia and Elaboration of Measures for their Protection

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Emmanuel Opoku Acheampong 18 Feb 2015

Impact of Road Infrastructure on Livelihoods and Land Use in Rural Ghana

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Yarelys Ferrer Sánchez 17 Feb 2015

Status and Conservation Strategy of Diurnal Raptors of a Wetland in Cuba. Phase III

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Divya Panicker 17 Feb 2015

Cetacean Diversity and Distribution in the Lakshadweep Islands, India

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Dessalegn Obsi Gemeda 17 Feb 2015

Enhancing the Conservation of the Vulnerable Black Crowned Crane in Limu Districts of Jimma Zone. The Case of Ethiopia

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Stephanie J. Rousso 16 Feb 2015

Creation of a Model for Conservation Tourism through Community-based Research and Outreach

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Ana María García Cegarra 16 Feb 2015

From Whales to Humans: An Integrated Evaluation of the Conservation Role of Whale Watching Industry in the Northern Coast of Peru

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Valery Dombrovski 11 Feb 2015

Study and Conservation of Rare and Endangered Forest-Dwelling Species in Natural Forest-Mire Complexes of Southern Belarus

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Neil M Furey 11 Feb 2015

Capacity-Building for Conservation of Cave-Dwelling Bats in Cambodia

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Nadine Ruppert 11 Feb 2015

Spatial and Temporal Use of Oil Palm Plantations by Wild Macaca nemestrina and its Implication for Mitigating Human-Wildlife Conflicts

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Gabriel Antwi-Boasiako 11 Feb 2015

Saving the Critically Endangered Slender-Snouted Crocodile from Local Extinction

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Chetana B Purushotham 11 Feb 2015

Evaluating the Effects of Terrestrial Sediments on Coral Community Structure in a Post-Bleaching Scenario in the Andaman Islands, India

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Wirsiy Emmanuel 9 Feb 2015

Nchiiy Community Forest Regeneration for Increased Honey Production and Biodiversity

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Joshua Wambugu 9 Feb 2015

Enhancing Conservation Education Using Nature-Based Films Shows to Local Schools and Communities Living Adjacent to the Ol Pejeta Conservancy

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Ana Carolina Antunes 9 Feb 2015

Seed Carpets in Amazon Flooded Forests - A Key Seasonal Resource for Rainforest Mammals

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Yurko Hudyma 6 Feb 2015

Protection of Gorgany Wilderness Species through Support of Conservation Areas