Project directory




6204 projects

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Alexey P. Seregin 20 Jan 2015

Reassessment of the Areas with the Highest Concentration of Rare Plant Species in Vladimir Oblast, Russia

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Costa Rica

Eduardo Chacón Madrigal 19 Jan 2015

Intra-Specific Variation in Functional Traits between Narrow Endemic and Widespread Tropical Trees

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Chloe Victoria Harvey 8 Jan 2015

Maintaining Momentum and Expansion of the Green Fins Approach

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Serge Alexis Kamgang 8 Jan 2015

Influence of Forest-Savanna Ectone on Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes ellioti) Socio-Ecology in Mbam Djerem National Park in Cameroon

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Heng Hong 8 Jan 2015

Giant Ibis and White-Shouldered Ibis Endangered Species Conservation using Conduct Code and Field Patrolling in Lumphat Wildlife Sanctuary, Rattana Kiri Province, Cambodia

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Nicolás Lagos Silva 8 Jan 2015

Understanding the Relationship between the Andean Cat and its Habitat in the High Andes Plateau: Implicances for its Long Term Conservation

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Merveille Koissi Savi 8 Jan 2015

Toward the Sustainable Conservation and Domestication of Cola nitida and Garcinia kola in Benin

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Mahima Jaini 5 Jan 2015

Linking Conservation and Livelihoods in Lakshadweep’s Fisheries: Long-Term Monitoring of the Live-Bait Pole and Line Tuna Fishery

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José Wagner Ribeiro Junior 5 Jan 2015

Stream-Dwelling Anuran Metacommunity Structure and Dynamics in the Atlantic Rainforest: An Approach that Accounts for Species Imperfect Detection

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Gustavo Arnaldo Marás 5 Jan 2015

The Mammals on Which Jaguars Prey and their Relationship with Conservation Threats in the Yungas of North Western Argentina

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Rizwana Khanum 23 Dec 2014

The Repository of Endemic Plants from Pakistan with Special Reference to Northern Areas

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Luz Adriana Perez Solano 23 Dec 2014

Spatial and Behavioural Ecology of the Mule Deer in the Chihuahua Desert, Mexico

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Jayanta Kumar Roy 23 Dec 2014

Effect of Forest Management on Amphibians as Indicator to Ecosystem Health in Dibang Valley, Arunachal Pradesh, India

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Narayan Sharma 22 Dec 2014

The Impact of Harvest of a Critically Endangered Dipterocarp Vatica lanceaefolia on its Population and Regeneration in the Rainforests of Northeastern India

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Gilbert Baase Adum 19 Dec 2014

Saving the Remaining Population of Ghana’s Critically Endangered Giant Squeaker Frog (Arthroleptis krokosua)

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Aimee Oxley 19 Dec 2014

Great Ape Conservation in the Matrix: Investigating the Effects of Human Activities on the Socio-Ecological Adaptations of Chimpanzees in a Forest-Farm Mosaic, Uganda

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Mohammad Farhadinia 16 Dec 2014

People and Persian Leopards in North-Eastern Iran: Patterns of Interaction and Implication for Conservation

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Okan Ürker 16 Dec 2014

Reviving Oriental (Anatolian) Sweetgum Forest in South-Western Turkey I

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Arjun Thapa 15 Dec 2014

Strengthening Community Participatory Red Panda Conservation and Monitoring Program in Gaurishankar Conservation Area, Central Nepal

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Stephen Mufutau Awoyemi 15 Dec 2014

Assessment of the Potentials of Faith-Based Groups in the Conservation of Wildlife Consumed as Bushmeat in Cross River State, Nigeria

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Robin Cameron Whytock 15 Dec 2014

Conservation of Bird Communities Under Threat from Bushmeat Hunting and the Traditional Medicine Trade in the Ebo Forest, Cameroon

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Erwan Ciret Sola 15 Dec 2014

Reproductive Synchrony and Recruitment Ecology of Scleractinian Corals at Vamizi Island, Northern Mozambique

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Shovan Dattagupta 11 Dec 2014

Conservation Initiative of Dipterocarpus turbinatus: A Critically Endangered Tree Species of Northeast India

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David A. Prieto-Torres 11 Dec 2014

Defining Conservation Priorities of Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest, One Ecosystem Globally Threatened: Conservation Insights under Future Global Climate Change

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Anaïs Tritto 11 Dec 2014

Conservation of the Endemic Javan Green Magpie (Cissa thalassina): Habitat Survey in Search of Remaining Wild Populations