Project directory




6204 projects

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Cabo Verde

Ana Madalena Varela da Veiga 21 Oct 2014

Evaluation of the State of the Baía do Inferno’s Biodiversity, Santiago Island with a Special Focus on Four Key Bird Species

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Rohini Chaturvedi 15 Oct 2014

Tigers and Tourism: Building Stakeholder Collaboration for Conservation

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Jigme Wangchuk 15 Oct 2014

Assessment of Aquatic Biodiversity in Phobjikha Valley

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Fifanou G. Vodouhe 14 Oct 2014

Promoting Value Chains for Non-Timber Forest Products to Support Biodiversity Conservation in Benin (West Africa)

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Rebecca Garbett 14 Oct 2014

Determining the Impact of Lead on the Globally Threatened White-Backed Vulture

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Faraz Akrim 14 Oct 2014

Ecology and Conservation of Indian Pangolin (Manis crassicaudata) in and around Pir Lasura National Park, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan

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Nishant Maragowdanahalli Srinivasaiah 14 Oct 2014

The Apolitical Elephant: Assessing Elephant Ranging Patterns across a Political Boundary in a Human-Dominated Landscape, Eastern Ghats, India

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Yuri Arylov 13 Oct 2014

Participatory Monitoring of the Saiga Antelope in Russia II

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Johnson Grayson Mshana 10 Oct 2014

Conservation Awareness Campaign for the Protection of Critically Endangered Jipe Tilapia and its Habitat in Lake Jipe Tanzania

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Andrea Denise Marshall 6 Oct 2014

Ray of Hope: Monitoring and Protecting the World’s Largest Gathering of Giant Mantas II

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Fedor Sarayev 30 Sep 2014

Assessment of Bird of Prey Mortality Caused by Electricity Power Lines in Mangistau Region, Kazakhstan

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ivona Burić 29 Sep 2014

Start of Karst Viper Monitoring Programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Rocio Álvarez Varas 29 Sep 2014

Research and Conservation at the Southernmost Foraging Site for Black Sea Turtles (Chelonia mydas agassizii) in the South Eastern Pacific

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Solomon Islands

Dennis Marita 23 Sep 2014

Malaulalo Island Conservation Initiative

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Dayani Chakravarthy 23 Sep 2014

Understanding the Spread of a Potentially Invasive Cultivated Plant Coffea canephora into Forests of the Western Ghats

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Andrii Tarieiev 18 Sep 2014

Conservation of Endemic and Relict Species Betula klokovii Zaverucha on the Territory of Ukraine

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Trokon Saykpa 17 Sep 2014

Continued Development of a Community-Based Marine Turtle Conservation Project in Bassa Point, Little Bassa and Edina

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Rama Mishra 17 Sep 2014

Conflict to Coexistence: Training Locals to Save Themselves and the Elephants in Chitwan

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Paul Mboya Tuda 17 Sep 2014

Participatory Monitoring of Fisheries and Beach Management Training in Kenyan South Coast

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Tatenda Dalu 15 Sep 2014

Ecological Assessment of the Recently Discovered Potamonautes mutareensis sp. nov. in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe with Implications to Conservation

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Hussein Zahir 15 Sep 2014

Capacity Building of Maldives in-Country Management and Monitoring of Threatened Coral Reefs

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Raj Kumar Koirala 11 Sep 2014

Diet, Nutrition and Movement Pattern of Asian Elephant (Elephus maximus) in Nepal

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Hortensia Rasoanandrasana 10 Sep 2014

Enhancing Community-Managed Conservation and Ecotourism in Bobaomby Area, the North Tip of Madagascar II

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Juan Manuel Girini 10 Sep 2014

Conservation of Wetland and Forest Birds Threatened by the Invasive American Mink (Neovison vison) in Lanín National Park (Patagonia, Argentina)

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Costa Rica

Marta Pesquero Henche 10 Sep 2014

Ostional Leatherback and Pacific Green Sea Turtles Conservation Project