Project directory




6204 projects

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Yu Chenxing 10 Sep 2014

Wintering Spotted Greenshank (Tringa guttifer): Migratory Movement Patterns, Habitat Selection and the Implications for its Conservation

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Cabo Verde

Katharina Fietz 8 Sep 2014

Conservation of Key Shark Habitats and Development of a Stepping Stone for a Long-Term Monitoring System of Local Shark Communities in Cape Verde

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Fredrick Ekow Jonah 8 Sep 2014

Survey of Turtle Nesting Beaches and Conservation in the Cape Coast-Elmina Area of Ghana

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Catalina Gutiérrez Chacón 8 Sep 2014

The Importance of the Amount and Configuration of Forest Areas for Conserving Bees and Pollination Services in a Rural Landscape in the Andes of Colombia

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North Macedonia

Boris Pejin 8 Sep 2014

Project 'Oro' – Part I: Ochridaspongia rotunda (Arndt, 1937), Lake Ohrid

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Costa Rica

Beate Heycke 8 Sep 2014

Peninsula Osa, Carate Beach: Sea Turtle Conservation Program

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Campbell Plowden 5 Sep 2014

Sustainable Harvest and Marketing of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTPFs) with Indigenous Communities in the Northern Peruvian Amazon III

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Krishna Prasad Bhusal 5 Sep 2014

Strengthening the Local Communities for In-Situ Conservation of Critically Endangered Vultures in Western Mid-Hills of Nepal

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Diana Solovyeva 5 Sep 2014

Conservation of Scaly-Sided Merganser on Breeding Grounds Worldwide

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Andrés Cristian Valenzuela Sánchez 5 Sep 2014

Is Chytridiomicosis a Threat to the Mouth-Brooding Darwin’s Frog (Rhinoderma darwinii)? : A Disease Risk Assessment.

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Tiwonge Mzumara-Gawa 5 Sep 2014

Status, Distribution and Conservation of the Baobab Tree in Liwonde National Park: Implications for Brown and Grey Headed Parrots

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Iding Achmad Haidir 5 Sep 2014

Assessing Sumatran Wild Cats Population and Conservation Status Using a Science-Driven Approach to Conserve Sumatra’s Small Cats

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Tamie J. Jovanelly 5 Sep 2014

Critical, Immediate, and Necessary Improvements to Endangered Antelope Habitat through Water Quality Assessment

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Md Nurul Islam 3 Sep 2014

Capacity Building for Bat Conservation and Research in Bangladesh through Community Involvement

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Saroj Panthi 3 Sep 2014

Conservation Ecology of Himalayan Black Bear in Newly Established Protected Area of Nepal: Api Nampa Conservation Area, Darchula

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Pedro Guillermo Mendez-Carvajal 3 Sep 2014

Study and Conservation of Ateles fusciceps rufiventris at Chucanti Nature Reserve, Darien, Panama

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Martin Dallimer 3 Sep 2014

Conserving Bird Communities in a Small-Scale Agricultural System in Southern Zimbabwe

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Hendrik Freitag 3 Sep 2014

Indigenous Forest Rehabilitation for Biodiversity Conservation and Promotion of Sustainable Income for the Rural Communities in Roxas, Mindoro

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Laurent Gbenato HOUESSOU 3 Sep 2014

Implementing Effective Low-Cost Strategies and Environmental Education to Mitigate the Human-Elephant Conflict around “W” Biosphere Reserve in Benin

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Cabo Verde

Daniel Santos 3 Sep 2014

Improving the Socio-Ecological System of Salina do Porto Inglês, Cape Verde for the Benefit of Wildlife and Local Community

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Beryl Achieng Makori 3 Sep 2014

Survey Methods and Conservation of Bats in Caves in Coastal Kenya

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Alexander Alexiades 3 Sep 2014

Understanding the Impacts of Hydroelectric Dams on Stream Ecology and Endemic Fish Species in the Napo River Basin of Ecuador

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Nguyen Quang Huy 22 Aug 2014

Building a Botanic Specimen Collection and a Coloured Guidebook for Educating High School Students in Conservation at Tam Dao National Park, Vietnam

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Sena Adi Subrata 22 Aug 2014

Civet Coffee Saves Biodiversity: Obtaining Civet’s Population Data toward Sustainable Coffee Production in Petungkriono Forest, Indonesia

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Jigme Tenzin 22 Aug 2014

Conservation Initiatives of Himalayan Bull Frog, Nanorana Leibigii (Gunther, 1860) Along the Simkhar Rivers & its Tributaries under Jigmecholing, Bhutan