Project directory




6204 projects

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Jean-Paul Ghogue 22 Aug 2014

Identification of Suitable Sites for Translocation of Endemic Podostemaceae Threatened by Dams in the Sanaga River (Cameroon)

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Izabela Menezes Barata 22 Aug 2014

Monitoring the Effects of Climate Change of a Threatened Mountaintop Amphibian Population

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Agustín Solari 22 Aug 2014

Population Trends and Genetic Structure of Broad-Snouted Caimans, Caiman latirostris, in a Large Atlantic Forest Remnant

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Maria Teresa Ruiz Vallejo 4 Aug 2014

An Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) Proposal for the Bahia de los Angeles, Canales de Ballenas y de Salsipuedes, Biosphere Reserve, Baja California, Mexico

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Kathryn Scobie 4 Aug 2014

The Sleeping Site Ecology and Habitat Use of the Southern Woolly Lemur (Avahi meridionalis) and the Lesser Southern Bamboo Lemur (Hapalemur meridionalis): Effects of Habitat Disturbance and Implications for Conservation

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Tatiane Micheletti Ribeiro Silva 28 Jul 2014

Management of Invasive Species in Islands: The Case of the Rock Cavy in Fernando De Noronha, Brazil

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Sandra Victoria Flechas 28 Jul 2014

Fighting Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis: Seeking for the Mechanism Allowing Bd and Host Co-Existence in Two Andean Frogs from Colombia

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Priya Iyer 28 Jul 2014

Effect of Livestock Grazing on the Health and Social Systems of Blue Sheep and Ibex

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Justin H Baumann 28 Jul 2014

Characterizing Coral Resilience on the Belize Barrier Reef System Using Thermal History and Holobiont Physiology: Implications for Climate Change

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Jiban Chandra Deb 28 Jul 2014

Mapping Rare and Endangered Tree Species Distribution of a Protected Area in Bangladesh under Future Climate Scenario: Implications for Conservation Planning


Gidey Yirga 28 Jul 2014

Conservation Status of the Lion (Panthera leo, Linnaeus 1758) in Mago National Park, Southern Ethiopia

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Georges Nobime 28 Jul 2014

Combining Ecological Research and Local Community Involvement to Achieve Long-Term Conservation of the Endemic Red-Bellied Monkey in Dahomey Gap

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Dao Lamèga Maba 28 Jul 2014

Assessing the Conservation Status of Wild Useful Macrofungi and Elaboration of Ecosystem-Based Conservation Strategy

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Amar Kunwar 28 Jul 2014

Habitat Assessment, Conflict Evaluation and Conservation Awareness of Blackbuck Antelope cervicapra cervicapra in Blackbuck Conservation Area, Bardia, Nepal

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Levon Aghasyan 24 Jul 2014

Development of Conservation Measures for Threatened Reptiles in Khosrov Forest State Reserve, Armenia

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Sri Lanka

Kylie Michelle Butler 24 Jul 2014

Behaviour and Social Dynamics of Crop Raiding in Asian Elephants: Does Social Learning Influence Behaviour around Beehive Fence Protected Farms?

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Rita Chhetri 24 Jul 2014

Conservation of Three Threatened Plant Species and their Habitats in Langtang National Park for Livelihood Improvement

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Addisu Mekonnen 23 Jul 2014

Current Status of Montane Bamboo (Arundinaria alpina) in the Southern Ethiopian Highlands: Significance of Bamboo for Bale Monkeys and Human Livelihoods

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Yadav Uprety 23 Jul 2014

Assessment of the Conservation Status of Endemic Plant Species in the Kangchenjunga Landscape, Nepal Himalaya

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Mbunya Francis Nkemnyi 23 Jul 2014

Enabling Sustainable Great Apes Conservation in the Tofala Hill Wildlife Sanctuary (THWS)

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Ana Vujović 22 Jul 2014

Distribution and Treats to European Pond Turtle (Emys orbicularis) at Zeta and Bjelopavlici Plain at Montenegro

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ana Ćurić 22 Jul 2014

The Paradox of Metamorphosis in European Common Spadefoot Toad (Pelobates fuscus) in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Prakash Chandra Mardaraj 21 Jul 2014

Identifying Key Issues for the Conservation of Sloth Bear (Melursus ursinus) in Rajnilgiri” Odisha, Eastern India

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Martina Kusters 18 Jul 2014

Distribution and Conservation Status of the Black-Footed Cat Felis nigripes

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Bal Krishna Koirala 18 Jul 2014

Study on Snakes Diversity Survey of Jigme Dorji National Park