Project directory




6204 projects

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Patrick Armel Mbosso 16 Jul 2014

Assessment of High Conservation Values in the COPAL Community Forest for Sustainable Adaptive Management

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Jeffrey Opoku Nyame 16 Jul 2014

Enhancing Waste Disposal Practices and Education for Lake Bosomtwe Visitors and Communities

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Irène Alida Frankline Hasiniaina 16 Jul 2014

Geographical Variation in Vocalization, Behaviour, Morphology and Genetics of Mouse Lemurs in Northwestern Madagascar

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Rachael Cooper-Bohannon 14 Jul 2014

Using Genetic Tools to Assess the Conservation Status of Cave-Dwelling Bats

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Pedro López Del Castillo 14 Jul 2014

Watershed Conservation in Cuba: Bio-monitoring, Training and Environmental Education III

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Maurice Ogoma 14 Jul 2014

A Diagnostic Multi-Stakeholder Strategy for Conservation of Blue Swallow Hirundo atrocaerulea in Kenya

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Faith Milkah Ngugi - Muniale 14 Jul 2014

Promoting Participatory Forest Management to Conserve Mau Forest Complex

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Quoc Dang Ly 14 Jul 2014

Building Capacity for Local Community, Enhancing Young Generation and Improving Governance to Save the Bats and Khmer Culture in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

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Prakash Sanjeevi 14 Jul 2014

Status and Safe Exploitation of Marine Ornamental Fishes and Invertebrates of Gulf of Mannar, Tamilnadu: An Expensive Reserve for Conservation

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Iurii Strus 14 Jul 2014

Distribution, Population Size, Habitats and Conservation of Common and Great Snipe in Western Polissia Region

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Ekaningrum Damastuti 14 Jul 2014

Participatory Resource Mapping to Enhance Community Based Mangrove Management in Indonesia

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Bhau Katdare 14 Jul 2014

The Konkan Vulture Project: Vulture Food Base Trend Due to Socio-Economic, Geographical and Policy Factors

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Sutomo Sutomo 11 Jul 2014

Conservation of Tropical Savanna Ecosystem through Better Understanding of Invasive Alien Species

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Mongkon Duangkhiew 10 Jul 2014

Set-Up Sustainable Agriculture Centre for All

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South Africa

Frowin Klaus Becker 10 Jul 2014

Optimising the Use of Visual and Radar-Acoustic Observations in Mitigating the Impact of Proposed Wind Energy Facilities on Cape Vulture (Gyps coprotheres) Populations in the Eastern Cape

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Juliana López Marulanda 9 Jul 2014

Humpback Whales off Tribugá's Gulf, Colombian Pacific: Integrating Scientific Research and Community-Based Whale Watching to Maximize Conservation Efforts

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Porfilio Correa López 8 Jul 2014

Participative Management for the Revitalization of Areas that have been Degraded by Gully Erosions in “Alejandro de Humboldt” National Park, Baracoa

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Miguel Iniguez Bessega 8 Jul 2014

Awareness-Raising, Eco-Tourism and Research: Conservation of Franciscana (Pontoporia blainvillei) and Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) off Río Negro, Patagonia Argentina

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Abu Saleh Mohammod Rejuan 8 Jul 2014

Community Based Volunteer Management to Mitigate Human Tiger Conflict in Bangladesh Sundarbans

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Aparna Lajmi 3 Jul 2014

Assessing Diversity and Distribution of Three Families of Lizards in the Dry Zone of Peninsular India

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Bruce Levick 3 Jul 2014

Seblat Conservation Camera Trap Project

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Solomon Islands

Edgar Pollard 3 Jul 2014

The Establishment of the Harurarumu Forest Community Conservation Area

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Kateryna Konovalenko 3 Jul 2014

Indirect Status Assessment of Siberian Grouse (Falcipennis falcipennis) in the Russian Far East

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Mikhail Rusin 3 Jul 2014

Rare Mammals of Steppe Valleys in Northern Ukraine

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Ananda Kumar 3 Jul 2014

Living with Elephants: Promoting Human-Elephant Coexistence Measures with Community Participation in a Plantation-Forest Landscape of the Anamalai Hills