Project directory




6204 projects

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Kamal Thapa 1 Jul 2014

Assessment of Benefits and Evaluation of Ecosystem Services in Langtang National Park, Nepal

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David Nkwanga 1 Jul 2014

Safeguarding the Ecological Functions of Mabamba Ramsar Site for Sustainable Pro-Poor Eco-Tourism, Community Livelihood Support and Environmental

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Chris Bone 1 Jul 2014

Honouring Traditional Fisheries Management in Northern Vanuatu

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Jasson John 1 Jul 2014

Biodiversity Monitoring, Environmental Awareness Campaign and Community Empowerment on Income Generating Activities at Malagarasi Wetlands, Tanzania

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Gyanpriya Maharaj 1 Jul 2014

A Comparative Study of Colour Mediated Foraging by Passion Vine Butterflies at Lantana Camara: Field Behaviours to Genomics and their Conservation Implications

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Gajić Igor 1 Jul 2014

Spiders of Vršac Mountains – Research and Conservation of Spiders Living on the Highest Mountain in Vojvodina

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Dominican Republic

Miguel A. Landestoy T. 1 Jul 2014

Ecology and Conservation of Endemic Toads of Hispaniola (Bufonidae), with Emphasis on a Critically Endangered Species

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Simon Tollington 25 Jun 2014

Maximising the Conservation Value of Supplemental Feeding by Analysing Stable Isotopes to Determine the Seasonal Foraging Behaviour of Mauritius Parakeets

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Marina Fastigi 25 Jun 2014

Critically Endangered Leatherback & Hawksbill Nesting Turtles Conservation & Advanced Youth Environmental Education in the Island Of Carriacou, Grenada, West Indies


Kate Walker 25 Jun 2014

Vava’u Turtle Monitoring Program

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Joshua Tsamba 25 Jun 2014

Assessment of Freshwater Biodiversity in Three Rivers Situated in a Montane Region of a Tropical Country: Conservation Implications for Surrounding Communities

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Ericka Ceballos 24 Jun 2014

Assessment of the E-Trade of Elephant Ivory in Latin America

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Nilesh Heda 24 Jun 2014

Conservation of Riverine Resources through People’s Participation V

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Teresa Luísa Ferreira da Silva 24 Jun 2014

Combining Ecological Niche-Based Modelling and Landscape Genetics for Conservation Planning of Endangered North African Gazelles

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Patrick Welby Aust 24 Jun 2014

Behavioural Conditioning as a Tool for Reducing Human-Crocodile Conflict

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Oleksandr Varga 24 Jun 2014

Diversity and Conservation of Ichneumon-Wasps Communities as Indicators of the Condition of the Natural Carpathian Forest Ecosystems, Ukraine

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Sara Anne Thornton 20 Jun 2014

Evaluating the Ecological and Cultural Services Provided by Tropical Forest Ecosystems: Freshwater Fish and the Use of Fish Ponds as a Sustainable Livelihood Source in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

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Ramit Singal 20 Jun 2014

Assessment of Faunal Diversity along the Laterite Landscapes of Karnataka's Coastal Plains and Conservation of the Same through Wide Scale Community Involvement

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Iroro Tanshi 19 Jun 2014

Predicting Roost Choice in Cave Dwelling Bats and Preserving Cave Bat Communities by Local Community Conservation Education

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Isabel Marques da Silva 18 Jun 2014

Conservation and Management of Reef Sharks in the Western Indian Ocean through Scientific and Local Community Collaborative Actions

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Linda North 18 Jun 2014

Conservation of Coastal Marine Eco-Systems of Aceh Besar by Supporting Traditional Fishing Commanders to Set Up Locally Managed Marine Protected Areas.

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Jane Herrera Uria 18 Jun 2014

Conservation Status and Geographic Distribution of the Endemic Land Snails Species of the Isla de la Juventud, after Hurricane ''Ike'', in Cuba

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Travis Steffens 18 Jun 2014

A Community-Based Conservation and Education Approach to Conserving Endangered Lemur Species Found near Remote Villages in NW Madagascar

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Vu Dinh Thong 16 Jun 2014

Conservation of Flying Foxes (Pteropus spp.) in Vietnam

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Priya Gupta 16 Jun 2014

Examining the Implementation and Influence of Conservation Induced Relocation and Forest Rights Act on Livelihood of TribalsiIn Nagarhole Tiger Reserve, India