Project directory




6204 projects

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Luciano Hiriart-Bertrand 28 Feb 2014

Using Scientific-Based Approaches to Promote the Establishment of a Marine Protected Area for Threatened Humboldt and Magellanic Penguins in Southern Chile

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Lisbet Gonzalez Oliva 28 Feb 2014

Invasive Alien Legume Inga punctata in Biosphere Reserve Sierra del Rosario (Cuba): Assessment and Initial Actions for Control and Native Forest Restoration

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South Africa

Lauren De Vos 28 Feb 2014

False Bay on Film: Optimising Biodiversity Monitoring and Conservation Planning Using Stereo-Bruvs in False Bay, South Africa

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Krisztián Gyöngyi 28 Feb 2014

Conservation Ecology of Black Rhino in Liwonde National Park I

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Elihuruma Wilson 28 Feb 2014

Phytochemical Investigations and Antimicrobial Activities of Extracts and Secondary Metabolites from Sterculia quinqueloba (Garcke) K. Schum

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Katarina Ljubisavljevic 27 Feb 2014

Research, Conservation and Promotion of the Endemic Balkan Rock Lizards (Dinarolacerta spp.) in Montenegro

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Abhishek Ghoshal 27 Feb 2014

Towards Participatory Natural Resource Management and Long-Term Awareness Programme in the Snow Leopard Habitat of the Indian Trans-Himalaya

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North Macedonia

Emanuel Lisichanets 25 Feb 2014

Conservation of Imperial Eagles (Aquila heliaca) in Macedonia

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Chrispine Ngessah Odhiambo 25 Feb 2014

Effects of Land Use Changes on Avian Community Structure in Afro-Montane Forests, a Case of Mount Elgon Ecosystem, Kenya

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Katharina Johanne Peters & Sonia Kleindorfer 21 Feb 2014

Manual Parasite Control and Community Engagement to Save Darwin’s Finches

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David Dawson Maleko 21 Feb 2014

Ecological Survey and Community Empowerment for Conservation of Critically Endangered Uluguru Bush-Shrike (Malaconotus alius) in Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania

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Alphonse Karenzi 20 Feb 2014

Center for Disseminating the Best Practices for Sustainable Livelihoods and Grass-Roots Conservation of Forests in Gisagara District

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Zephaniah Migeni Ajode 20 Feb 2014

Community Environmental Conservation Project for Anyiko-Wetlands, Siaya County, Kenya I

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Milena Delatorre Nunes 17 Feb 2014

Conserving Anuran and Aquatic Plants in Livestock-Dominated Brazilian Wetland Landscapes

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Naylien Barreda Leyva 17 Feb 2014

Science-Community: The Conservation of Snakes from Fazenda Barra do ETA, Atlantic Forest, São Paulo, Brazil

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Harnon W. Garbo 17 Feb 2014

Manatee Protection through Community-Led Actions in Lake Piso Multiple Use Reserve, Liberia

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Ugyen Tshering 17 Feb 2014

Distribution and Abundance of Ungulates along the Altitudinal Gradients in Royal Manas National Park

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Rinchen Namgay 17 Feb 2014

Habitat Mapping and Assessing Conservation Threats of Black-Necked Cranes Wintering in Bhutan

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Lawir Felix Yuven 17 Feb 2014

Supporting Reforestation and Agroforestry Practices in the Kumbo Watershed

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Kalpana Bisht 17 Feb 2014

Understanding Ecology and Enhancing Conservation Status of Blue Bull in Nepal: A Case Study of Suklaphanta Wildlife Reserve

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Devcharan Jathanna 17 Feb 2014

Ecology and Conservation of Small Carnivores in the Western Ghats

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Alfred Houngnon 17 Feb 2014

Community Based Actions to Benefit a Threatened Plant Species: Case Study of Bequaertiodendron oblanceolatum in Ewe-Adapklamey Remnant Forests in Benin

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Madhuri Ramesh 12 Feb 2014

Marine Turtle Conservation in Odisha, India: To Demarcate or Diversify?

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Arnaud Marius Tchassem Fokoua 12 Feb 2014

Influence of Anthropogenic Activities on the Distribution and Conservation Status of Amphibians of Bamenda Highlands

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Krizler C. Tanalgo 12 Feb 2014

Assessment of Wildlife Hunting and Trade along Local Communities in Two Conservation Sites on Mindanao Island, Philippines