Project directory




6204 projects

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Niti Sukumal 20 Nov 2013

Collecting Information and Monitoring the Situation of Green Peafowl (Pavo muticus) in Pristine Habitat in Thailand and Disturbed Habitat in Northern Vietnam

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Rodet Rodríguez Silva 19 Nov 2013

An Approach to Freshwater Fish Knowledge in Western Cuba: Environmental Education in Rural Communities for Conservation Both our Fish and their Habitats

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Nina Attias 15 Nov 2013

Ecology of Armadillos (Mammalia: Cingulata) in the Pantanal Wetlands of Brazil

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Falkland Islands (Malvinas)

Alastair Baylis 15 Nov 2013

Rediscovering Falklands Ocean Sentinels

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Nabin Baral 14 Nov 2013

Examining the Resilience of the Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal

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Abdul Wakid 14 Nov 2013

Securing the Future of Gangetic Dolphin in Brahmaputra River System (India) through Local Community Engagement and Empowerment

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Milan Sapkota 13 Nov 2013

Feeding Ecology, Habitat Preference, Distribution and Awareness Programme for Conservation of Himalayan Black Bear in Kanchanjungha Conservation Area, Nepal

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Francis Moyo 13 Nov 2013

Livelihoods Impacts of Payment for Conservation Initiatives under Climate Change in Tanzania: A Case of Wildlife Management Areas

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Papua New Guinea

William Goulding 13 Nov 2013

Conservation of Endemic Birds in the Louisiade Archipelago, Papua New Guinea I

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Shreya Yadav 11 Nov 2013

Climate Change, Reef Recovery and the Role of Early Life-History in Structuring Coral Communities in the Lakshadweep Atolls, India

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Sri Lanka

E. M. Lalith Ekanayake 11 Nov 2013

Conduction of Awareness Programmes on Sea Turtles and Coastal Biodiversity Conservation for the Coastal Communities in Southern and Eastern Coast of Sri Lanka

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Alehegn Taye Shiferaw 11 Nov 2013

Enhancing the Awareness and Participation of Local Communities for Sustainable Conservation of the Swayne’s Hartebeest (Alceluphus buselaphus swaynei)

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Oumar Doungous 11 Nov 2013

Field Collection and Propagation of Gnetum africanum and G. buchholzianum for the Conservation of the Wild Populations

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Kamal Kandel 6 Nov 2013

Educating and Empowering Local Communities for Cheer Pheasant (Catreus wallichii) Conservation in Western Nepal

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Agustina Cortelezzi 6 Nov 2013

Conservation Status Assessment of the Endemic Tandilean Red-Belly Toad - Phase II

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Pratikshya Kandel 6 Nov 2013

Managing Human Wildlife Conflicts in Community Forestry in Nepal

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Julia Dombroski 6 Nov 2013

Talking About Conservation: Sound Production of Southern Right Whales in Brazil

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Joseph George Sarvary 6 Nov 2013

Ecological Study of the White-Winged Nightjar (Eleothreptus candicans)

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Gabriela Echevarría Díaz 6 Nov 2013

The Catfishes of the Apure River Floodplain: What Do We Really Know About this Exploited Community?

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Fernanda Teixeira Saturni 6 Nov 2013

Effects of Landscape Composition on Biodiversity and Pollination in Coffee Plantations in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: Implications for Conservation

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Adrian Naveda-Rodriguez 6 Nov 2013

Biogeography and Conservation Status of Diurnal Raptors in Venezuela

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Rodrigo Barbosa Ferreira 31 Oct 2013

How Do Matrix-Habitat Types Influence Edge Effects? Ecological Perspectives of Local Farmers and Applied Field Study on Frogs at Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest

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Julian Lescano 31 Oct 2013

Exotic Fishes in a Fragile Environment: An Evaluation of Trout Impact on Endemic Mountain Frogs in Sierras Grandes Mountains, Argentina

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Emiliano Donadio 31 Oct 2013

Where the Wild Things are: Conserving Puma-Camelid-Condor Interactions in the High Andes of South America

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Dario Alejandro Moreira Arce 31 Oct 2013

Identifying Key Habitats for the Conservation of Critically Endangered Darwin's Fox in a Human-Dominated Landscape