Project directory




6204 projects

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Anirudhkumar Vasava 6 Sep 2013

Crying Wolf: Prioritising Areas for Conservation of Indian Wolf in Human-Dominated Arid Region of Kutch, Gujarat, India

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Gurgen Khanamirian 6 Sep 2013

Butterfly Species and Habitat Conservation in Selected Region of Armenia

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Helena Poucki 6 Sep 2013

Education towards Wildlife Conservation – Training Scheme for Pilot Large Carnivores Monitoring and Conservation Education in Brown Bear Sanctuary in Kuterevo

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Pedro Mayor 6 Sep 2013

Impact of Crude Oil Extraction on the Large Mammals of the Peruvian Amazon and Indirect Effects on the Health of Indigenous Achuar and Kitchwa Communities

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Prosper Kwame Antwi 2 Sep 2013

Sea Turtle Conservation: By-Catch Handling and Release Practices for Fishermen in Muni-Pomadze Ramsar Site, Ghana

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Kanchan Thapa 2 Sep 2013

Buffer Zone Community Perception, Attitude and Belief towards Newly Establish Protected Area: A Case Study from Banke National Park

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Costa Rica

Gloriana Chaverri 2 Sep 2013

Artificial Bat Roosts and Tropical Forest Regeneration

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Virat Jolli 2 Sep 2013

Conservation of Critical Habitats for Montane Birds through Community Participation in Sainj Valley, Western Himalaya

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Vidya Athreya 2 Sep 2013

National Level Media Awareness Workshops in Four High Leopard Conflict States in India

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Raju Acharya 2 Sep 2013

Conservation of Owls in Nepal

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Maxwell Kwame Boakye 2 Sep 2013

Pangolins in Peril: A Perspective of their Use as Traditional Medicine and Bushmeat in Ghana

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Costa Rica

María Runnebaum 2 Sep 2013

Pineapple Plantation’s Impact on Medium and Large Size Mammal’s Assembly in Sarapiquí, Costa Rica

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Ilona Stepanyan 2 Sep 2013

Current Protection Status of Armenian Amphibians and Elaboration of Measures of their Conservation Including Public Awareness Raising

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Christine Dranzoa 2 Sep 2013

Landscape Restoration through Reforestation and River De-Silting for Nature Conservation

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Kaan Hürkan 23 Aug 2013

Collecting Comprehensive Data for the Conservation of Turkish Orchids

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A. Z. M. Manzoor Rashid 22 Aug 2013

Participatory Training and Extension Approach to Promote Community Livelihood and Conservation through Agar (Aquilaria agallocha) and Rattan Based Cultivation

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Dorji Wangchuk 22 Aug 2013

Evaluating Threats and its Impact on the Current Distribution of Golden Langur in Bhutan

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Christine Dudgeon 22 Aug 2013

Spot the Leopard Shark – Thailand: Community-Based Photo-Identification Monitoring Program for Leopard Sharks Stegostoma fasciatum in Thailand

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Yarelys Ferrer Sánchez 19 Aug 2013

Status and Conservation Strategy of Diurnal Raptors of a Wetland in Cuba. Phase II

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Asmita Kabra 19 Aug 2013

Community Based Restoration of Degraded Grasslands and Fallow Land in the Buffer Area of the Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary

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Pablo Gervasio Grilli 19 Aug 2013

Conservation of the Critically Endangered Copper-Lizard (Pristidactylus casuhatiensis) in Ventana Hills, Argentina

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Ashok Kumar Ram 19 Aug 2013

Geospatial Modelling to Assess Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) Habitat Suitability, Migratory Routes and Human Elephant Interface in Eastern Nepal

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Drazenko Rajkovic 16 Aug 2013

The Saker Falcon in Serbia – Life between Electrical Wires, Settlements and Grassland Patches

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Matthias Markolf 16 Aug 2013

A Mobile Cinema for Madagascar- Hazo Tokana Tsy Mba Ala

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Stephen Marcus Philip Spawls 16 Aug 2013

Production of a Free, Downloadable Atlas, at Quarter-Degree Square Level, of Kenya’s Reptiles