Project directory




6204 projects

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Prabin Bhusal 13 Jun 2013

Agroforestry Promotion for Livelihood Enhancement and Biodiversity Conservation (Pilot Project in the Panchase Protected Forest Area in Kaski District)

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Manuel Alejandro Barrios Izas 13 Jun 2013

Assessing the Conservation of Montane Ecosystems at the Guatemalan Volcanic Arc through Leaflitter Weevil’s Species Richness and Endemism’s Research

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Leonard Ssozi 13 Jun 2013

Drawing on Indigenous Knowledge and Cultural Meanings to Conserve / Restore Family Forest Groves in Gombe Sub County, Wakiso District-Uganda

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Gordana Grbic 13 Jun 2013

Spiders and Sands - Research and Conservation of Spiders Living in the Deliblato Sand: The Largest European Continental Sands

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Ahmed Mahmoud Abbas 12 Jun 2013

The Functioning of Soil Seed Banks in Wadi El Gemal Protected Area, Egypt

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Natalia A. Rossi 11 Jun 2013

Conserving American Crocodiles (Crocodylus acutus) in a Key Cuban Wetscape

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Sven Peter Batke 7 Jun 2013

Ecology and Distribution of Vascular epiphytes in Tropical Montane Forest in Honduras, Central America

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Fachruddin Mangunjaya 7 Jun 2013

Developing of Ex situ-Biodiversity Project and Ecosystem Services Education for Islamic Boarding School in West Java, Indonesia

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John Manyitabot Takang 7 Jun 2013

Community Education for Sustainable Forest Conservation and Climate Change Mitigation

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Shailendra Kumar Yadav 6 Jun 2013

The Conservation Status of Megafauna and Management Issues in Wildlife Corridors: A Case Study of Tigers in the Bardia-Katarniyaghat Corridor, Nepal

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Hani Nusantari 6 Jun 2013

Increasing Awareness of Marine Biodiversity among Primary School Children and Teachers in Lombok, Indonesia – Stage 2

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dejan Kulijer 4 Jun 2013

Research and Protection of Threatened Dragonfly Species and Habitats in the Mediterranean Region of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Elizabeth Campbell 30 May 2013

Distribution and Abundance of Boto, Inia geoffrensis and Tucuxi, Sotalia fluviatilis in Yarinacocha Lagoon, Peru

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South Africa

Kaylee Smit 28 May 2013

The Physiological Dynamics of Intertidal Corals along the East Coast of South Africa: Coping in Marginal Environments

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Bishnu Prasad Devkota 23 May 2013

Snow Leopard Conservation: People’s Perception on the Verge of Rural Livelihood

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Meghna Krishnadas 23 May 2013

Socio-Ecological Dynamics of Non-Timber Forest Produce (NTFP) Harvest in a Rainforest Complex of Western Ghats in South India

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Costa Rica

Aura Mariela Alonso Rodríguez 23 May 2013

Land Use Effects on Moth Species Composition and Diversity across a Rural Landscape in the Golfo Dulce Region, Costa Rica

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Ricardo Miranda 23 May 2013

Invasive Cup Coral in Coral Reef of the Todos os Santos Bay (TSB): Effects of Interspecific Competition in the Native Coral Community and Management Actions

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Eni Hidayati 20 May 2013

Youth-Based Coral Nursery for Future Rehabilitation in Sumbawa Island, Indonesia

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Caroline Achieng Odera 20 May 2013

Enabling Local Best Practices for the Conservation of Kusa and Koguta Wetlands, Kenya

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Maggie Muurmans 20 May 2013

A Holistic Approach to Community Ecosystem Conservation In Pulau Banyak, Aceh, Indonesia

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Buddi Sagar Poudel 20 May 2013

Himalayan Grassland Ecosystems: Understanding the Impacts of Intensifying Pastoralism on Key Plant-Herbivore Relationships

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Seguya Henry Kizito 20 May 2013

Integrating Cultural Values with On-Farm Biodiversity Conservation for the Effective Conservation of Sangobay Forests in Southern Uganda

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Pablo Ramírez Barajas 20 May 2013

Conservation of Medium and Large Vertebrates in the Mayan Forest

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David Brankovits 20 May 2013

Integrating Research and Education to Protect Anchialine Cave Ecosystems in Quintana Roo, Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico