Project directory




6200 projects

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Sutomo Sutomo 26 Mar 2013

Fragmentation, Plant Invasion and Native Species Conservation in Tropical Forest Landscape of Mt. Merapi

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Barna Krisztián 26 Mar 2013

Active Conservation and Study of the Endangered European Roller (Coracias garrulus) Population in Serbia

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James Mwang'ombe Mwamodenyi 25 Mar 2013

Promoting/Enhancing Biodiversity Conservation through Enhanced Indigenous Forest Connectivity in Taita Hills: Phase 2 (Kinyeshamvua/Ngangao Segment)

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Vinh Quang Luu 25 Mar 2013

The Diversity of the Reptile Fauna of Hin Nam No National Biodiversity Conservation Area (Laos)

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Francisco Mora Ardila 25 Mar 2013

Assessing the Conservation Value of Tropical Dry Forests Under Local Management in the Chamela-Cuixmala Region, Mexican Pacific Coast

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Priscilla Anti 21 Mar 2013

Cave Bats Crisis; Conserving the Threatened West African Endemic Hipposideros jonesi in Ghana

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Sri Lanka

Anya Ratnayaka 21 Mar 2013

Ecology and Behaviour of Fishing Cats in Urban Habitats of Sri Lanka

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Raj Kumar Koirala 19 Mar 2013

Nutritional Ecology of Wild and Domestic Asian Elephants in Nepal

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Akwany Leonard Omondi 19 Mar 2013

Eco-cultural Village Approach for Yala Wetland Conservation and Improved Livelihoods

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Saroj Panthi 19 Mar 2013

Distribution, Population Status and Conservation Awarness to Conserve the Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens fulgens ) in Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve, Nepal

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Franco Andreone 18 Mar 2013

Monitoring for Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) in the Amphibians of Madagascar: False Alarm or Real Threat?

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Rasyid Assaf Dongoran 13 Mar 2013

Support for Sumatran Tiger Protection In and Around Batang Gadis National Park

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Aswita S Hut MP 13 Mar 2013

Sustainability of Integrated Coastal Management in Pusong Cium Island for Habitat of Tuntong Laut (Batagur borneoensis)

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Sierra Leone

Rosa Garriga 13 Mar 2013

Study of Chimpanzee Populations (Pan troglodytes verus) Using Camera Traps in Fragmented Habitats in Sierra Leone

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Ronald Sosa Escalante 13 Mar 2013

Long-Term Effects of Habitat Modification on Amphibians in the Yungas and Inter-Andean Dry Valley Ecoregions

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Costa Rica

Nicolas Vanlangendonck 13 Mar 2013

Assessment of Anthropogenic Pressures Consequences on Alouatta palliata, Ateles geffroyi and Cebus capicinus Physiology: Implication for Conservation Biology

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Mariana Bueno Landis 13 Mar 2013

Effects of Hunting and Population Density of Southern Muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides) in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil

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Costa Rica

Marc Ward 13 Mar 2013

Punta Pargos Green Turtle Monitoring and Protection Program

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Quoc Dang Ly 13 Mar 2013

Enhancement Awareness of Local People to Protect Bats and Khmer Culture in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam

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Rayner Núñez 5 Mar 2013

Butterflies and Moths of Monte Iberia, Cuba. Filling Gaps and Capacity Building toward its Conservation

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Matías Enrique Mastrangelo 5 Mar 2013

Conserving Dry Tropical Forests on Agricultural Frontiers of the Gran Chaco

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Urban Šilc 5 Mar 2013

Conservation of Halophytic Vegetation in Coastal Lagoons in Albania

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Juan Pablo Seco Pon 5 Mar 2013

Identifying High Risk Areas for Seabirds in the Patagonian Shelf: Overlap between Threatened Species and Fisheries

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South Sudan

Anne Kyomugisha 28 Feb 2013

Empowering Women through Improved Cooking Stoves

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Congo (DRC)

Deo Kujirakwinja 27 Feb 2013

Conservation of Large Mammals in the Luama Land, Democratic Republic of Congo