Project directory




6189 projects

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Ambika Aiyadurai 14 Nov 2012

Traditional Ecological Knowledge in the Mishmi Hills: Implications for Wildlife Conservation in the Eastern Himalayas, India

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Mariel Ruiz Blanco 14 Nov 2012

Puma-Guanaco Interactions: Evaluating the Impact of Predation on Newborn Guanacos

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Dilek Sahin 13 Nov 2012

Assessment of Seasonal and Daily Movements and Numbers of Yelkouan Shearwater in the Marmara Sea

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Ganesh Pant 13 Nov 2012

Human-Elephant Coexistence in Central Nepal

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Martha Nzisa Mutiso 13 Nov 2012

Integrated Approach to Community Conservation of Biodiversity in Sawaiti Ecosystem, North Rift (Kenya)

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Rene Reyes Gallardo 9 Nov 2012

Fuelwood and Forest Degradation in the Chilean Temperate Rainforests

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Emma Gibbons 8 Nov 2012

FANO Project

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Dok Doma 8 Nov 2012

Review of Mangrove Biodiversity Conservation and Management in Sre Ambel Bay, Cambodia toward Establishment of Code of Conduct for Sustainable Conservation

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South Africa

Sandy Heather 8 Nov 2012

Understanding Local Indigenous Values Placed on Biodiversity, through Participative Mapping of the Living Landscape in the Pondoland Centre of Endemism

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Ricardo F. Tapilatu 8 Nov 2012

Monitoring and Conservation of the Sea Turtle Nesting Population at Yembekaki Beach on the Waigeo Island of West Papua – Indonesia

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Ricardo Andrés Sarmiento Devia 8 Nov 2012

Building Regional Knowledge of Understudied Sea-Turtle Populations: Associated with the Humboldt Current

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María Camila Latorre Cárdenas 8 Nov 2012

Effect of Persistent Organochlorine Compounds on the Physiological Health and Habitat Suitability of the Neotropical Otter in Veracruz, Mexico

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South Africa

Lucy Kemp 8 Nov 2012

The Mabula Ground Hornbill Project I

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South Africa

Paul Van Helden 26 Oct 2012

Namaqua National Park: Anatolian Dogs for Wildlife Conservation II

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Désiré Foguekem 26 Oct 2012

Assessing the Effectiveness of the Combination of Strings, Tin Cans and Chilli Based Deterrent to Mitigate Human Elephant Conflict in Campo-Ma’an Landscape

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Teodoro Lugo Licarte 26 Oct 2012

Engaging Communities to Rehabilitate Mine Sites Using the Potential Natural Vegetation Technique in Camarines Norte, Philippines

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Costa Rica

Steven Whitfield 26 Oct 2012

Is Ranavirus an Emerging Infectious Disease in Costa Rica? Distribution and Characterisation of Pathogens from Critically Threatened and Non-Native Amphibians

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Romina Cecilia Torres 26 Oct 2012

Conservation and Restoration of the Mountain Forest of Córdoba: Developing Techniques for the Native Tree Maytenus boaria, Argentina

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Nabin Bhattarai 26 Oct 2012

Leopard Human Conflict in and Around Capital City of Nepal

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South Africa

Michelle Bradshaw (née du Toit) 26 Oct 2012

Feasibility Study of Ultrasonic Acoustic Telemetry of Penguins

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Keshni Gopal 26 Oct 2012

A Conservation Genetic Study of Heaviside’s Dolphins (Cephalorhynchus heavisidii) along Southern Africa’s Coastline

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Falkland Islands (Malvinas)

Jonathan Murray Handley 26 Oct 2012

Regional Variation in Foraging Ecology of Gentoo Penguins (Pygoscelis papua) at the Falkland Islands in Relation to Anthropogenic Influences

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Jacqueline Sapoama Kumadoh 26 Oct 2012

Assessment and Conservation of the Endangered Endemic Ghana Worm Lizard (Cynisca kraussi)

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Henriette Cornelia Potgieter 26 Oct 2012

How Do Birds Use Rivers in Arid Areas?

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Heloisa Dantas Brum 26 Oct 2012

Conservation and Management of Community-Based Agriculture and Non-Timber Forest Products of Piagaçu-Purus Sustainable Development Reserve, Amazonas, Brazil