Project directory




6189 projects

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Esther van der Meer 14 Aug 2012

Surveying the Unknown: Determining Cheetah Presence, Connectivity and Levels of Human-Cheetah Conflict in North-West Zimbabwe

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Vedharajan Balaji 14 Aug 2012

Participatory Seagrass GIS Mapping and Monitoring in Palk Bay

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Lorraine Boast 14 Aug 2012

Exploring the Causes of and Mitigation Options for Human-Predator Conflict on Game Farms in Botswana: Is Coexistence Possible?

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James Paul Herrera 14 Aug 2012

The Search for Sibree’s Dwarf Lemur (Cheirogaleus sibreei) in Southeast Madagascar

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Islam Mohammad-Elsadek Mohammad 14 Aug 2012

Ecological Studies on Marine Turtles at Two Protected Areas in the Southern Egyptian Red Sea

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Rodrigo Sierra Corona 14 Aug 2012

The Environmental History of the Janos Biosphere Reserve in Mexico: Critical Knowledge for the Development of Ecosystem Conservation Strategies

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Prerna Agarwal 10 Aug 2012

Assessing the Ecological Impact of Tourism and Developing Ecotourism through Stakeholder Participation for Conservation of Kas Plateau, Maharashtra, India

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Oinam Sunanda Devi 10 Aug 2012

Assessment of Biome Restricted and Globally Threatened Avian Species and their Conservation Awareness Programs at Yangoupokpi-Lokchao WLS, a Data Deficient IBA

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Prakash Bhattarai 10 Aug 2012

Distribution and Population Status of Dactylorhiza hatagirea (D.Don) Soo and it’s Conservation Challenges in Manaslu Conservation Area

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Mercy Nambu Diangha 10 Aug 2012

The Effects of Habitat Heterogeneity and Anthropogenic Influence on the Diversity, Density and Distribution of Mammals in the Deng Deng National Park, Cameroon

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South Africa

Suzanne Jane Milton-Dean 25 Jul 2012

"Renu-Karoo": Developing Indigenous Seed Orchards and Local Skills to Restore Mining and Grazing Damage in Arid Karoo Rangeland IV

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Ryszard Oleksy 25 Jul 2012

The Contribution of Fruit Bats to Forest Regeneration in Madagascar – Do Bat-Processed Seeds Do Better?

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Nabajit Das 25 Jul 2012

Assessment of Threats and Conservation of Bengal Slow Loris (Nycticebus bengalensis) through Community Participation in Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast India

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Michael Keith Musgrave 25 Jul 2012

The Decline of the Zambezi Teak Forests of Western Zambia and the Implications for Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainable Forest Management

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Hum Bahadur Gurung 25 Jul 2012

Strengthening Capacity of Local Institutions for the Promotion of Eco-Tourism in Ghachowk, Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal

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Eleanor Mary Frew 25 Jul 2012

Potential Ecological Factors Limiting the Density of Eulemur flavifrons in Differently Degraded Forest Fragments on the Sahamalaza Peninsula, NW Madagascar

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Cindy Hurtado 25 Jul 2012

Medium and Large Mammal’s Abundance in the Cerros de Amotape National Park, Tumbes - Peru

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Nuru Nyazirari Kitara 25 Jul 2012

Population Size, Threats and Conservation Measures of Lobaria Pulmonaria in Tanzania. A Case Study of Forest Lichens on Mount Kilimanjaro

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Liza Maria Veiga 10 Jul 2012

Distribution and Conservation of Remaining Populations of the Critically Endangered Ka’apor Capuchin Monkey (Cebus kaapori) in the Brazilian Amazon

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Olga A. Mochalova 9 Jul 2012

The Research and Conservation of Rare Endemic Plants and its Habitats in the Magadan Region (Northern Far East Asia, Russia)

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Robin Suyesh 9 Jul 2012

Conservation Assessment and Biogeographical Distribution of the Poorly Known Bush Frogs of the Western Ghats

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Fernando Arbeláez 4 Jul 2012

Community-Based Conservation Program of Three Endangered Species of River Turtles with Amazonian Indigenous Communities of Colombia and Peru 2012

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Eleanor Brassine 4 Jul 2012

An Assessment of the Population Abundance of Cheetahs and the Extent of Human-Predator Conflict in the Northern Tuli Game Reserve, Botswana

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Anjana Giri 4 Jul 2012

Biodiversity Conservation through Sustainable Forest Management in the Balajhar Community Forest, East Nepal

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Ana Cinti 4 Jul 2012

Assessing the Performance of Institutional Arrangements to Reconcile Conservation and Small-Scale Fisheries in Marine Protected Areas: Cases From Latin-America