Project directory




6189 projects

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Ajay Karki 4 Jul 2012

Golden Monitor Lizard (Varanus flavescens): Research and Awareness Project

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Jordi Salmona 2 Jul 2012

Conservation, Distribution and Population Size Update of Endangered Nocturnal Lemur Species from Northern Madagascar

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Zafer Kizilkaya 29 Jun 2012

Conservation of Anatolian Orchids

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Agustina Cortelezzi 29 Jun 2012

Conservation Status Assessment of the Endemic Tandilean Red-Belly Toad - Phase I

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Nishith Dharaiya 28 Jun 2012

Evaluating Habitat and Human-Sloth Bear Conflict in Gujarat State, India - To Seek Solutions for Human-Bear Coexistence III

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Francis Odhiambo Omungo 28 Jun 2012

Lake Simbi Nyaima Eco-Cultural Conservation Project II

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Christian Tabifor 28 Jun 2012

Kagwene Gorilla Sanctuary Beekeeping and Conservation Pilot Project, Cameroon

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South Africa

Gwenith Susan Penry 28 Jun 2012

Determining the Current Population Size and Foraging Ecology of South African Inshore Bryde’s Whales (Balaenoptera edeni)

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Bianca Ingberman 28 Jun 2012

Assessment of the Status and Identification of Priority Areas for the Conservation of the Endangered Southern Muriqui in South Brazil

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Abhijit Das 25 Jun 2012

Herpetofaunal Distribution Pattern along an Elevational Gradient in Barail Hill Range, Northeast India: Evaluation in the Context of Conservation Priority

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Henry Abuaku Howard 25 Jun 2012

Assessing the Dimensions of Frog-Meat Consumption and Trade in Ghana

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Manju Vasudevan Sharma 25 Jun 2012

Diversity and Functional Roles of Arthropod Fauna across Agricultural Landscapes, Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, Western Ghats, India

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K. R. Senacha 21 Jun 2012

Status Survey and Conservation Education Campaign: A Community Participation Approach to Protect Bats in Jalore and Barmer Districts of Rajasthan, Part of the Thar Desert, India

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Juan Carlos Jordán Arizmendi 21 Jun 2012

Ecology and Conservation of Reptiles from the Dry Forest in Cerros de Amotape National Park

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Javier Paul Oña Lema 21 Jun 2012

Humpback Whale Habitat Preference and Occurrence of Songs as an Initiative to the in Stiu Conservation in the Coast of Bajos de Atacames, Esmeraldas, Ecuador

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Daniella Biffi Olivas 21 Jun 2012

Developing a Simple Census Method for Endangered Marine Otters (Lontra felina)

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Stephanie Hing 18 Jun 2012

Deforestation and Disease - A Survey of Endoparasites in Endangered Bornean Elephants Elephas maximus borneensis in Continuous and Fragmented Habitat

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Alphonse Karenzi 14 Jun 2012

Improved Cooking Stoves Campaign against Deforestation – Continuation (ICOSCAD)

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Okan Ürker 13 Jun 2012

Reviving Oriental Sweetgum Forest in Koycegiz, Southwestern Turkey Using Corridor Method and Community Understanding in the Context of the Environmental Ethics

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Benjamin Hayes 11 Jun 2012

A Biodiversity Survey of Phnom Kulen National Park: Integrating Conservation and Community Development

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Claudia Monzon Alvarado 11 Jun 2012

Fire Landscapes in Calakmul, Mexico: Examining the Link between Institutions and Escaped Fires

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Vhon Oliver S. Garcia 8 Jun 2012

Biology and Conservation Ecology of the Endemic Lake Taal Sea Snake, Hydrophis semperi

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Marina Londres 7 Jun 2012

Complexity of Forest-Based Livelihood Strategies and Factors Influencing Local Resource Use across Regions and Scales: Implications for Policy

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Cabo Verde

Tommy Arruda Nobre de Melo 7 Jun 2012

Implementation of Measures for Conservation of Sea Turtles on the Santa Luzia Island

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Veronica Iriarte 7 Jun 2012

Interactions of Boto and Tucuxi Dolphins with Fisheries at Mamirauá (MSDR) and Amanã (ASDR) Sustainable Development Reserves, Amazonas, Brazil