Project directory




6189 projects

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Alejandro Pietrek 28 Mar 2012

Building Realistic Models to Predict the Spread of Invasive Beavers in Patagonia

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Rosemary Groom 26 Mar 2012

Establishing a Mobile Education Unit for Rural Communities around Zimbabwe’s Savé Valley Conservancy

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Maxim Tarantovich 26 Mar 2012

Revelation of Viability and Furtherance of Conditions which will Help Population and Range Expansion of Roller in Belarus

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Anirban Datta-Roy 26 Mar 2012

Patterns of Local Hunting in Mixed Use Landscapes of the Dihang Dibang Biosphere Reserve, Arunachal Pradesh

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Barry Bendell 22 Mar 2012

Evaluation and Monitoring of Marine Protected Areas in Seagrass Meadows at Phra Thong Island,Thailand

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Anand M Osuri 22 Mar 2012

Understanding the Drivers of Losses in Carbon Storage Ecosystem Services Provided by Tropical Forest Fragments in India’s Western Ghats


Uros Pantovic 22 Mar 2012

Survey and Conservation of Ecologically Valuable Limestone Gorges in Serbia

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Navendu Page 22 Mar 2012

Assessing the Status and Distribution of Endemic and Threatened Trees of the Western Ghats

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Francesco Rovero 20 Mar 2012

Boosting Local Capacity for Ecological Monitoring: Long-Term, Integrated Research and Conservation Programme in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania

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Rachael Carrie 20 Mar 2012

The Development of Freshwater Bio-Monitoring in Belize II

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Himani Kala 19 Mar 2012

Environmental Awareness and Habitat Restoration as an Effective Tool for Conserving White-Naped Tit (Parus nuchalis) in Southern Aravalli Hills

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Mohammad Belal Uddin 14 Mar 2012

Monoculture Plantations in Bangladesh: Consequences for Biodiversity Conservation and Rural Livelihoods

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Elâine Maria dos Santos Ribeiro 14 Mar 2012

Effects of Chronic Disturbance on Diversity and Ecological Processes of Woody Flora from the Brazilian Caatinga: Implications for Management and Conservation

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Anita Varghese 14 Mar 2012

Community Based Ecological Monitoring of Wild Harvested Plants and its Implications for Conservation

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Imran Ejotre 13 Mar 2012

Approaching Conservation through Women Empowerment: Improving Agricultural Practices among Rural Women in West Nile Region, Uganda

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George Gorgadze 13 Mar 2012

Assessing the Status and Distribution of Eurasian Otter for Better Conservation and Management in Georgia

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Manish Chandi 12 Mar 2012

Disturbance to Natural Resources, Sharing Mechanisms and Regulation: A Study of Natural Resources Management in the Nicobar Islands

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Henderson Maposa 12 Mar 2012

One Leader One Forest; A Participatory Community Action towards Reforestation of Mikolongwe Mountain

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Tarsh Thekaekara 12 Mar 2012

Adapting to Invasives – A Community Based Approach to Research and Extraction of Lantana Camara

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Rocio Beatriz Urrutia Jalabert 12 Mar 2012

Primary Productivity in Endangered Fitzroya cupressoides Forests in Chile, its Environmental Controls and the Vulnerability of these Forests to Climate Change

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Martina Anandam 12 Mar 2012

Conserving the Himalayan Grey Langur, Semnopithecus ajax, an Endangered, Endemic Species of Primate

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Marina Albuquerque Regina de Mattos Vieira 12 Mar 2012

Wildlife Management: The Interaction Between Formal and Local Regulations on Wildlife Conservation in the Amazon

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Arjun Thapa 12 Mar 2012

Conservation Status of Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens) in Gaurishankar Conservation Area

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Nisarg Prakash 7 Mar 2012

Monitoring Otter Populations and Combating Poaching through Stakeholder Participation

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Cintia Celsi 7 Mar 2012

Arroyo Los Gauchos Nature Reserve. Enhancing the Conservation of Pampean Coastal Ecosystems in the Context of a New Protected Area