Project directory




6189 projects

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Abishek Harihar 28 Nov 2011

Assessing Human-Tiger Conflict in the North-Western Terai Arc Landscape, India: Developing Management Strategies to Secure Viable Tiger Populations

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José Tomás Ibarra 28 Nov 2011

Endemic Owls and Woodpeckers from the Temperate Rainforests of South-America: Are they Reliable Indicators of Biodiversity for Sustainable Forest Management

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Juan Sebastián Mejía Correa 28 Nov 2011

Population Status of Baird’s Tapir (Tapirus bairdii) on Los Katios National Park

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Sandra M Duran 28 Nov 2011

Tree Diversity and Above Ground Carbon Stocks in a Tropical Dry Forest

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Rovshan Abbasov 28 Nov 2011

Improving Habitat for Caspian Sturgeons

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Raj Kumar Koirala 28 Nov 2011

Nutritional Ecology of Carnivore - Prey Interaction in Nepal

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Nandini Velho 28 Nov 2011

Protection from Poaching: How Does Hunting Intensity on Sensitive Wildlife Differ with Various Protection Regimes?

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Jigme T. Wangyal 28 Nov 2011

Amphibian Fauna of Punakha - Wangdue Valley

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Jennifer Arubemi Agaldo 28 Nov 2011

Survey for Population Status of Nigeria-Cameroon Chimpanzee and Habitat Threat Assessment in the Oban Hills of Cross River National Park, Cross River, Nigeria

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Diego Ricardo González Zevallos 28 Nov 2011

Magellanic Penguin Diet Requirements and its Relationship with Commercial Fisheries: A Case Study in Golfo San Jorge

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Dickson Baseke 28 Nov 2011

Integrating Cultural Values in Managing Human Elephants in Northern Uganda

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Dario Alejandro Moreira Arce 28 Nov 2011

Conservation of Critically Endangered Darwin’s Fox in a Human-Dominated and Multi-Competitor Landscape in Central South Chile

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Assam Alwash 28 Nov 2011

Iraq Upper Tigris Waterkeeper Threat Assessment & Action Plan

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Som Ale 13 Oct 2011

Assessing Snow Leopards and their Corridor Habitats in Nepal

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Emmanuel Akom 13 Oct 2011

Assessment of Chimpanzees and other Endangered Primates Populations and Enhancement of High Conservation Values in Sui Forest Reserve, Ghana

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Papua New Guinea

Freddy Pattiselanno 13 Oct 2011

Wildlife Hunting, Alternative Protein Sources and Biodiversity Conservation on the Bird’s Head Peninsula of West Papua

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Oscar S. Teka 13 Oct 2011

Mangrove Conservation and Restoration Based on Environmental Education in Benin

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Solomon Islands

Wilko Bosma 13 Oct 2011

NRDF – Community Based Forest Conservation Project

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Emmanuel Sama Liyong 11 Oct 2011

Promotion of the Sustainable Use of Indigenous Wildlife Resources as Medicinal Wildlife, in Cameroon’s North-West Region II

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Irwan Lovadi 11 Oct 2011

Promoting the Conservation of Critically Endangered Nepenthes clipeata in West Kalimantan, Indonesia

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Wouter Vansteelant 11 Oct 2011

Conservation of Migratory Raptors in a Geographical Convergence Zone at the Eastern Black Sea in South West Georgia

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Central African Republic

Julia Geßner 11 Oct 2011

Importance of Natural Forest Clearings in Central Africa for Forest Mammals and Conservation

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Arun Kanagavel 11 Oct 2011

Assessing the Population and Threats to Forest-Dwelling Chelonians in the Southern Western Ghats

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Janak Giri 4 Oct 2011

Sustainable Elephant Habitat Management and Conflict Mitigation in Sunsari Region of Eastern Nepal

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Wanlop Chutipong 4 Oct 2011

Distribution, Abundance and Conservation of Small Mammalian Carnivores in a Threatened Dry Forest Landscape of Thailand