Project directory




6189 projects


Olga Filatova 19 Jul 2011

Conservation of Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) in the Russian Far East: Protecting Food Resources and Promoting Environmental Stewardship

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Paul Webala 19 Jul 2011

The Population Ecology, Diet and Movement of Straw-Coloured Fruit Bats, Eidoln helvum (Megachiroptera: Pteropodidae) in Western Kenya I

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Gennady Goncharov 19 Jul 2011

Proposition and Promotion of Wildlife-Conservation Techniques of Census and Observation for the Research on Water Inhabitants of National Park

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Eufracio Maratas Jr. 19 Jul 2011

Sustaining Watershed Rehabilitation and Management through Rainforestation in Pilar, Cebu

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Nzigiyimpa Léonidas 13 Jul 2011

Project of Reinforcement of the Integrity of Bururi Natural Forest Reserve

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Chris Bone 13 Jul 2011

OceansWatch in Vanuatu

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North Macedonia

Mitko Karadelev 13 Jul 2011

Establishing a Red List of Fungi and Important Fungal Areas in Fyr of Macedonia

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Udayan Borthakur 13 Jul 2011

Survey and Conservation of Owls in the Protected and Unprotected Areas of Meghalaya, India

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Lesley McCulloch 13 Jul 2011

Integrating Environmental Justice and Conservation of Natural Resources into Natural Resources Management Policy in the Province of Aceh, Indonesia

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Abebe Getahun 13 Jul 2011

Conserving the Labeobarbus Spp Flock of Lake Tana through Better Understanding of their Migratory Behaviour and Participation of the Community: The Case of Gilgel Abay River

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Mohan Raj Kafle 13 Jul 2011

Sustainable Lakes Conservation through Participatory Management of Invasive Water Hyacinth and Watershed Management in Pokhara Valley Lakes, Nepal

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Edward Narayan 13 Jul 2011

Community Led Exclusion of Invasive Cane Toads from Breeding Sites of the Endangered Fijian Ground Frog (Platymantis vitiana) on Viwa, Fiji Islands

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Nilesh Heda 13 Jul 2011

Conservation of Riverine Resources through People’s Participation III

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Marthy William 13 Jul 2011

Bird Seed Dispersal and Restoration of the Sundaland Biodiversity Hotspot in Sumatra

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Rajat Ramakant Nayak 13 Jul 2011

Consumer Control and Vegetation Response: The Fire-Vegetation-Grazing Dynamics in the Western Himalayan Landscape

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Njouonkou André Ledoux 13 Jul 2011

Study of the Diversity and the Ethno Mycology of Wild Edible Fungi in the Noun Division (Cameroon) for the Preservation of Natural Ecosystems

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dušan Jelić 13 Jul 2011

Distribution and Conservation of Highly Endangered Karst Viper (Vipera ursinii macrops) in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Establishment of Long Term Monitoring

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David B. Stanton 13 Jul 2011

Arabian Leopard Survey of the Jebel Milhan Protected Area

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Rodet Rodríguez Silva 13 Jul 2011

Molecular Diversity of Gambusia Fishes in Cuba - Relevance for Conservation and its Use in Vector Control Plans


Robert Lamb 12 Jul 2011

Anthropogenic Threats to Mollusk Populations and their Ecological Role on the Continental Coast of Ecuador

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Marinés de la Peña-Domene 12 Jul 2011

Building Bridges between Tropical Rain Forest and Cattle Ranchers: Creating Incentives for Overcoming Forest Regeneration Barriers

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Firmann Aldy 12 Jul 2011

Identifying Critical Mutualisms between Threatened Megaherbivore (Sumatran rhinoceros) and Threatened Ecosystems

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Sayam U. Chowdhury 22 Jun 2011

Ecology, Breeding Behaviour and Conservation of the Endangered Masked Finfoot in Bangladesh

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Marina Fastigi 22 Jun 2011

Conservation of Nesting Leatherback & Hawksbill Turtles Populations and their Habitats in Carriacou Island, Grenada, West Indies

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Diego Alejandro Zárate Caicedo 22 Jun 2011

Primates as Process Facilitators in the Regeneration of Native Vegetation in Anthropogenic Landscapes