Project directory




6189 projects

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Shimanta kr. Goswami 19 May 2011

Elephant Habitat Management through Community Participation in Selected Villages of the East Karbi Hills of Assam, India

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Romulus Abila 19 May 2011

Biodiversity and the Role of ‘Dryland Wetlands’ in Semi Arid Mikuyuni – Mwitasyano River Catchment in South Eastern Kenya as a Source of Livelihood

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Pushkin Phartiyal 19 May 2011

Developing Compass of Environmental Education Tourism in Community Forests (Van Panchayats): Learning to Sustainability

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Jiraporn Teampanpong 19 May 2011

Maintaining Avian Diversity in Working Landscape of the Southern Tenasserim Western Forest Complex (WEFCOM) Corridor in Thailand

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Hodabalo Pereki 19 May 2011

Assessment of Species Diversity, Vegetation Structure and Human Activities in the Dry Forest of Abdoulaye Protected Area (Togo, West Africa)

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Cossi Aristide Adomou 19 May 2011

Targeting Globally Threatened Plant Species to Set Conservation Priorities for Rain Forest Remnants in Benin

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Costa Rica

Andrew (Andy) Bystrom 19 May 2011

Sea Turtle Activity in an Approved Aquaculture Site, Mouth of the Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica

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Andrew Yoak 19 May 2011

The Emerging Threat of Disease to Wildlife from Feral Dogs

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Xingli Giam 15 Apr 2011

Fish Species Richness and Community Composition Across Peat Swamp Landscapes in Southeast Asia

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dejan Kulijer 14 Apr 2011

Research and Conservation of Dragonfly Species of European Concern and their Habitats in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Paras Mani Acharya 14 Apr 2011

Investigation of Population Status and Habitats of Lutrogale perspicillata in Narayani River, Chitwan National Park

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Krishna Prasad Pokharel 14 Apr 2011

The Four-Horned Antelope: The Distribution Patterns, Resource Selection and Immediate Threats in Chitwan National Park, Nepal

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Virat Jolli 14 Apr 2011

Impacts of Hydro-Electric Development Projects on Critical Habitats for Montane Birds

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Agung Nugroho 11 Apr 2011

Bird Conservation & Education in Kerinci Seblat NP, Sumatra: Building Local Foundation to Address Increasingly Chronic Pressure on Bird Habitat & Population


Ayihouenou Bertrand 11 Apr 2011

Development and Implementation of Awareness Tools for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Pollinators around Lama Forest and Park of Pendjari

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Felista Mangalu 8 Apr 2011

Field Collection of Live Indigenous Plants for a Mini Botanical Garden to Raise Public Awareness and for Conservation Education

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David Kuria 7 Apr 2011

Development of a Participatory Conservation Strategy, Kinale Forest, Central Kenya

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Ledis Regalado Gabancho 7 Apr 2011

Ferns and Lycophytes of Sierra de Cajálbana, Protected Area Mil Cumbres, Cuba, Emphasizing in Endemic, Threatened, Expansive and Invasive Species

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Baseer ud din Qureshi 4 Apr 2011

Conservation of Himalayan Musk Deer (Moschus Chrysogaster) and their Habitat in Arung Kel Neelum Valley AJK, through Research, Awareness Education and Community


Lida Pimper 4 Apr 2011

Assessment of the Mitochondrial DNA Variation and Conservation Status of the Spectacled Porpoise, Phocoena dioptrica, around Waters off Southern South America

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Fernanda Delborgo Abra 4 Apr 2011

Monitoring and Evaluation of Underpasses Located on the SP-225 in the City of Brotas

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Elias Bizuru 4 Apr 2011

Malagarazi Wetlands Community-Based Conservation

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Anna Asatryan 28 Mar 2011

Identification of Priority Habitats of Armenia (Important Plant Areas, Criterion C) and Promotion of Their Conservation

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Kvartalnov Pavel Valeryevich 28 Mar 2011

Tugay Forests in Tajikistan: The Last Remainders of Globally Endangered Ecosystem

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Lou Vanny 22 Mar 2011

Building Adaptive Capacities of Freshwater Fishing Community to Climate Change-Induced Changes in Water Level in Mekong River in Stung Treng Ramsar Site