Project directory




6175 projects

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Olga A. Mochalova 6 Aug 2010

The Research and Conservation of Rare and Threatened Plants and Important Plants Areas of Magadan Region (Northern Far East Asia, Russia)

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South Africa

Kelly Ortega Cisneros 6 Aug 2010

The Ecosystem Functioning of KwaZulu-Natal Estuaries, South Africa, and their Influence on the Nearshore Coastal Environment: Implications for their Conservation

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Noelle Gunst 2 Aug 2010

Census, Socio-Ecology, and Population Genetics of Ebony Leaf Monkeys (Trachypithecus auratus) in Bali: Implications for the Species’ Conservation Status in Indonesia

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Onja Harinala Razafindratsima 2 Aug 2010

Functional Differences Within a Guild of Frugivorous Lemur Species: Impacts on Host-Plant Dynamics

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Heather Arrowood 2 Aug 2010

Lake Oguemoué Ecotourism Pilot Project

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Darren Norris 2 Aug 2010

Understanding the Collapse of White-Lipped Peccary Populations in Continuous Areas of Atlantic Forest

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Mark Pestov 2 Aug 2010

Study and Conservation of the Mediterranean Spur-Thighed Tortoise (Testudo graeca) in the Caucasus (Project "Attention: A Turtle!")

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Dovutsho 2 Aug 2010

The Flora of Vakhan Part of Mountainous Badakhshan (Pamir)

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Tuyeni Mwampamba 2 Aug 2010

Evaluating Community Readiness to Participate in Payment for Ecosystems Services Programs in South Nguru Mountains

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Lia Montti 26 Jul 2010

Distribution and Invasion risk by Ligustrum lucidum (Oleaceae) in the Argentinean Yungas as Consequences of Climate and Land Use Changes

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Sarita Kendall 26 Jul 2010

Conservation and Education in Amazon Communities

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Elizabeth Chang Reissig 26 Jul 2010

Disease Risks for Native Deer Species, Associated to Exotic Ungulates Cervus elaphus and Sus scrofa in National Parks of Northern Patagonia, Argentina

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K. R. Senacha 26 Jul 2010

Status Survey and Conservation Education Campaign: A Community Participation Approach to Protect Bats in Rajasthan, Part of the Thar Desert

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Sharmila Deo 26 Jul 2010

Kalpavriksh Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary Environment Education Programme

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Achille Ephrem Assogbadjo 26 Jul 2010

Promoting the Domestication and the Sustainable Use of the Endangered and Multipurpose Baobab Tree in West Africa

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Bruna Martins Bezerra 26 Jul 2010

In Situ Conservation of the Blond Capuchin, Cebus flavius, in Fragments of Atlantic Rain Forest in the Northeast of Brazil

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Anna Kuzemko 26 Jul 2010

Conservation of Meadow Ecosystems of the Central Part of Ukraine as Habitats of the Rare and Endangered Plant Species

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Chabi Adéyèmi Marc Sylvestre Djagoun 26 Jul 2010

Evaluation and Implementation of Conservation Strategies for the Sustainable Exploitation of Wildlife Resources Used as Animal Based Medicine in Benin

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Nounagnon Gerard Gouwakinnou 26 Jul 2010

Assessing Ecological Status, Threat Causes and Implementation of Conservation Measures of Prosopis africana in West Biosphere Reserve in Benin

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Muhammad Naeem Awan 26 Jul 2010

Monitoring & Conservation of Cheer Pheasant (Catreus wallichii) in Jhelum Catchments, Pakistan

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Eric Horstman 26 Jul 2010

Conservation of Threatened and Endemic Tree Species of the Ecuadorian Dry Forest

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Rafael Reyna-Hurtado 26 Jul 2010

Conservation of Endangered Mammals in a Semi-Dry Tropical Forest in Southern Mexico: Predicting Responses to Climate Change

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Sam Muhumuza 26 Jul 2010

Programme for Mobilisation of Community Wetland Defenders in Kabarole District, Western Uganda

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Els Vermeulen 20 Jul 2010

Project Right Whale – Evaluating the Impact of Touristic Activities on Southern Right Whales in North Patagonia II

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Tara Nicole Lawrence 19 Jul 2010

Ecological Status of Artisanal Fisheries Resources Along the Coromandel Coast