Project directory




6175 projects

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Paola Pozo Inofuentes 19 Jul 2010

Plant Species Diversity and Endemism on Rock Outcrops in the Bolivian Cerrado Biome: Implications for Conservation

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Enrico Bernard 19 Jul 2010

Investigating the Role of Bats as Seed Dispersers and Pollinators in a Faunistically Depauperated Landscape in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest

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Mauricio Nunez-Regueiro 19 Jul 2010

Conserving Biodiversity in the Face of Massive Forest Loss with Agricultural Expansion: Does Current Policy of Allocating Forest in Strips Maintain Wildlife?

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Alasdair Harris 16 Jul 2010

The Development of Community Marine Turtle Conservation in Southwest Madagascar

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Courtney E Cox 16 Jul 2010

Effectiveness of New Belizean Fisheries Regulations on Restoring Grazer Populations and Coral Reef Resilience

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Bhupendra Prasad Yadav 16 Jul 2010

Asiatic Black Bear-Human Conflicts and Participation of Local People in Bear Conservation in Nepal

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Jonathan Kolby 16 Jul 2010

Forest Canopies as Safe Havens from Amphibian Chytrid fungus, Phase II: Enigmatic Dispersal Mechanisms and Environmental Distribution

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Yelena Gambarova 14 Jul 2010

Rare Vegetation Monitoring in the Gobustan National Park, Azerbaijan

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Nguyen Quang Huy 14 Jul 2010

Building an Insect Specimen Collection for Educational Conservation Activity for High School Students in Hanoi, Vietnam

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Buuveibaatar Bayarbaatar 14 Jul 2010

Survival and Mortality of Saiga Calves in Mongolia

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Maka Murvanidze 9 Jul 2010

An Ecological Assessment of Different Forest Types of Borjomi Gorge Protected Territories by Indicator Insect Species and Education of Local Population on Conservation of Biodiversity

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Sergij Gashchak 9 Jul 2010

Fauna of Bats as an Indicator of the Most Valuable Natural Complexes in Chernobyl Exclusion Zone Worthy of Legislative Protection (Ukraine)

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Fachruddin Mangunjaya 9 Jul 2010

Introducing the Islamic Hima and Harim System as a New Approach to Nature Conservation in Indonesia Phase II

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Miguel Suarez-Gomez 6 Jul 2010

The Conservation Value of Private Owned Reserves in the Colombian Orinoco Basin.

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Nivia Luzuriaga 6 Jul 2010

From Monitoring to Conservation of Terrestrial Birds in the Galápagos Islands: Test and Optimization of a Point - Transect Breeding Bird Survey – Ecuador

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Imanuddin 6 Jul 2010

Recovering West Bali Tropical Deciduous Forest Ecosystem through Eradicating Invasive Weed and Native Tree Planting Program

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Kulbhushansingh Suryawanshi 6 Jul 2010

When to Kill Livestock? Foraging Decision Making of Snow Leopard (Uncia uncia) Along a Gradient of Wild Prey and Livestock Abundance

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Vandana Krishnamurthy 6 Jul 2010

Ethnobotany, Trade, Life History, and Population Dynamics of Endemic Cycas Species in the Western Ghats of Southern India

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Jigmet Dadul 6 Jul 2010

Conservation of Snow Leopard through “Predator - Friendly Wool”

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Leonard Gastory 6 Jul 2010

Environment Education and Conservation Programme (EECP) - Phase II

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Eni Hidayati 6 Jul 2010

Environmental Journalism Training: A Means to Raise Youth Awareness about Coral Reefs Conservation in Sumbawa Island

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Harsh Vardhan 6 Jul 2010

Lake Conservation as Citizens' Initiative in India I

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Akwany Leonard Omondi 6 Jul 2010

Strategic and Multi-stakeholders Advocacy for Yala Wetland Community Conservation Area and Ramsar Site, Kenya

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Thy Neang 21 Jun 2010

Reptile Survey and Capacity Building for Young Cambodian Scientists and Undergraduate Students in Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary, Cardamom Mountains, Cambodia

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George Gorgadze 18 Jun 2010

Supporting of Eurasian Otter Conservation in Georgia