Project directory




6175 projects

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Sailesh Ranjitkar 3 Mar 2010

Establishment of Plant Diversity Monitoring Site for Climate Change Studies in Kanchenjunga Conservation Area

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Leonard Manda 3 Mar 2010

Strengthening Collaborative Management as a Conservation and Sustainable Use Strategy in Nyika National Park and Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve

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Vinayaka KS 3 Mar 2010

A Study on Diversity and Conservation of Lichens in Shettihalli Wildlife Sanctuary, Western Ghats, India

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Kumar Luitel 3 Mar 2010

Bio-Briquette on Community for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Livelihood in Chiuridanda VDC in Khotang District

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Joana Vaz de Sousa 3 Mar 2010

Ecological and Social Dimensions of People-Wildlife Interactions in Southern Guinea-Bissau

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Rodrigo Villate 3 Mar 2010

Educating People for a Local Monitoring Program of the Cana Coral Reef Ecosystem at the Corn Island, Nicaragua

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Tajudeen Okekunle Amusa 3 Mar 2010

Participatory Survey and Conservation of Endangered Savannah Elephants of Kamuku and its Environment, Nigeria

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Paras Mani Acharya 1 Mar 2010

Proposal to Investigate Status of Otter Distribution in Narayani River

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Sai Bhone Myat 22 Feb 2010

Renanthera imschootiana as a Flagship Species for Environmental Education and Conservation in Yat Sawk Region, Myanmar

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Rosemary Groom 22 Feb 2010

Improving the Conservation Status of the Endangered African Wild Dog in the Zimbabwean Part of the Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area

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Hugh Wright 17 Feb 2010

Identifying Nest Predators to Guide the Conservation of Critically Endangered White-Shouldered Ibis

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Abishek Harihar 11 Feb 2010

Understanding the Response of Wild Ungulate Prey to Livestock Mediated Competition in Western Terai Arc Landscape – Implications for Developing Management Strategies to Restore Corridors

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Clovis Douanla-Meli 11 Feb 2010

Preserving Dead Wood Over Forest Management Practices and Conservation of Wood-Inhabiting Fungi in the Mbalmayo Forest Reserve

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Taran Grant 11 Feb 2010

Diagnosing Spatial Patterns of the Bullfrog Invasion in the Atlantic Forest Biome of Southern Brazil

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Mohammad Belal Uddin 9 Feb 2010

Effects of Land Use Changes and Anthropogenic Disturbances on Biodiversity in a Protected Area of Bangladesh

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Simon Tollington 8 Feb 2010

A Novel Approach to Disease Management; Applying Immunoassays in the Field to Select Immunocompetent Individuals of the Endangered Mauritius Parakeet for Future Reintroduction

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Soledad Diaz 8 Feb 2010

Enicognathus ferrugineus (Aves Psittacidae) Habitat Selection in Araucaria araucana Forests

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Yaw Kwateng 8 Feb 2010

Conserving Medicinal Biodiversity and the Sustainable Use for Local Inhabitants of Lake Bosomtwe of Ghana

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Patrick Byamukama Byaruhanga 8 Feb 2010

Public Awareness and Participation in the Conservation of Wambabya Wetland/River in Hoima District

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Emmanuel Sama Liyong 8 Feb 2010

Promotion of the Sustainable Use of Indigenous Wildlife Resources as Medicinal Wildlife, in Cameroon’s North-West Region I

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South Africa

Osiman Mabhachi 8 Feb 2010

Facilitating Increased Community Participation in Biodiversity Stewardship in Umgano, KwaZulu Natal Province, South Africa

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Linda North 2 Feb 2010

Environment Education and Awareness Raising through Community-Based Biodiversity Assessment in Conflict and Tsunami Affected Area of Ujung Pancu Peukanbada Aceh Besar NAD Province Indonesia

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Irwan Lovadi 2 Feb 2010

Conservation of Critically Endangered Nepenthes clipeata on Mount Kelam

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Lucy Laker 2 Feb 2010

Promoting Community-Based Management and Conservation of the Endangered Crested Crane Birds in Soroti District, Uganda

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Côte d'Ivoire

Ilka Herbinger 2 Feb 2010

Club P.A.N. (Personnes, Animaux et Nature/ People, Animals, & Nature) – A Conservation Education Project Aimed at Teaching Children Living around the Taï National Park, Ivory Coast about the Value of Chimpanzees and Other Wildlife II