Project directory




6174 projects


Bijaya Kumar Kabi 2 Feb 2010

Community Stewardship in Conservation and Sustainable Management of Mangroves in Orissa Coast I

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Dennis Kamoga 2 Feb 2010

Community Based Conservation of Endemic-Ugandan Cycad, Encephalartos whitelockii PHJ Hurter in the Mpanga Gorge Areas

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Jugal Tiwari 2 Feb 2010

Halophyte a Forestation, Nature Education Camps and Publication of Awareness Materials for Nature Conservation in Schools and Villages of Kutch District, Gujarat, India III

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Marcel Quinten 2 Feb 2010

Population and Habitat Viability Analysis for the Pig-Tailed Langur (Simias concolor) in the Mentawai Archipelago, W. Sumatra, Indonesia

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San You 2 Feb 2010

Flooded Forest Conservation II

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Caroline Achieng Odera 2 Feb 2010

Grass Root Initiatives for Restoration and Conservation of Koguta and Kusa Wetlands, Kenya

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Jing Liu 2 Feb 2010

Conserving the Critically Endangered Snow Leopards in Alatao Mountain

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Anna Songhurst 27 Jan 2010

Human Elephant Conflict in the Okavango Panhandle, an HEC Hotspot in Africa, Botswana II

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Rajeev Pillay 27 Jan 2010

Mammals on the Margin – Documenting Recent Changes to Large Mammal Distributions in a Densely Populated Biodiversity Hotspot

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Vardhan Patankar 27 Jan 2010

Traditional Management and Change: Studying the Effectiveness of Marine Resource Management Systems Post-Tsunami in the Nicobar Islands, India

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Véronica Solis Gracia 22 Jan 2010

Towards the Recovery of Bison and its Ecological Role in Mexico

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Lahpai Htu Raw 21 Jan 2010

Conservation of Endangered Endemic Black Orchid (Paphiopedilum wardii) Population and Native Orchid Species in Naing Ngun Area, Putao District, Kachin State, Northern Myanmar

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Khyne U Mar 19 Jan 2010

Establishment of Centralized Elephant Data Bank in Myanmar

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Angela Maria Maldonado Rodriguez 15 Jan 2010

Locally Based Monitoring of Wildlife Utilisation at the Colombian-Peruvian Border: Enforcing International Wildlife Trade Regulations

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South Africa

Wilbert Kadye 14 Jan 2010

Distribution Patterns of Non-Native Sharptooth Catfish and Threatened Indigenous Fishes – Implications for Species Conservation in the Great Fish and Sundays Rivers

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Bindu Raghavan 14 Jan 2010

Pastoralism, Disease & Wildlife Conservation in Ladakh- Prevalence of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases of Livestock and Wildlife

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Jasper Mbae Kirika & Flora Njeri Namu 14 Jan 2010

To Enhance Integrated Community Conservation of Biodiversity in Agro-Ecosystems Adjacent to the Eastern Side of Mount Kenya Forest, Kenya

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Francisco Aguirre Saavedra 14 Jan 2010

Ecological Parameters Related to the Regeneration of Chilean Palm Forests (Jubaea chilensis (Mol.) Baillon) in the Region of Valparaíso - Chile

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Le Manh Hung 21 Dec 2009

Conservation of the Globally Endangered – White-Eared Night Heron at Be Be National Park

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Barry Bendell 21 Dec 2009

Community-Based Seagrass Monitoring and Conservation at Phra Thong Island

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Pascual Rafael Escobar 18 Dec 2009

Conservation of a Humid Subtropical Ecosystem through Ecotourism in the Finca Loma Linda

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Luciana Alonso 18 Dec 2009

Research and Involvement of Local Communities to Ensure Threats Reduction to Sea Turtles at the Foraging Ground of Cerro Verde MPA

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Ahmad Mukminin 18 Dec 2009

Developing an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management for Ecological Sustainability and Food Security in Weh Island

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Som Ale 18 Dec 2009

Assessment of Snow Leopards and their Corridors in Nepal’s East Himalayan Eco-region

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Natalia Botero Acosta 18 Dec 2009

Diagnosis of the Taxonomic Composition, Spatial Distribution, Social Structure and Conservation Threats of Marine Mammals in Tribugá’s Gulf