Project directory




6172 projects

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Wai Ming Wong 27 Aug 2009

Sun Bears in Human-Dominated Landscapes: Distribution, Population Trends and Conflicts in Kerinci Seblat Region, Sumatra

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Liu Jia 27 Aug 2009

The Continuous Survey and Conservation of Coral Reefs Along the Western Hepu County Coast in China

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Serge Joram Nsengimana 27 Aug 2009

Eastern Gallery Forests Conservation Project (EGFCP)

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Marina Londres 25 Aug 2009

Researching Sustainability of Harvests Jointly with Local Stakeholders in Amazonian Flooded Forests: Linking Science with Action

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Lenin Enrique Oviedo Correa 11 Aug 2009

Ecology of Neritic Odontocete Cetaceans in an Upwelling Ecosystem in the Northeast Coast of Venezuela: Delphinus Spp, Sotalia guianensis II

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Houssein Abdillahi Rayaleh 10 Aug 2009

Improving our Ecological Knowledge to Aid Conservation of the Critically Endangered Djibouti Francolin in Djibouti

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Arturo Muñoz 5 Aug 2009

Bolivian Amphibian Initiative II

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Sao Tome and Principe

Ricardo de Lima 31 Jul 2009

The Impact of Changing Agricultural Practices on the Endemic Birds of São Tomé

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Olawole Serge Oke 31 Jul 2009

The Vulnerable White–Thighed Black and White Colobus (Colobus vellerosus): Re-Assessment for its Conservation Status and Factors Threaten its Population in Benin

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Papua New Guinea

Jean Thomas 31 Jul 2009

Torricelli Mountain Range, Climate Change and Natural Resources Management Training Program

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Maria E Periago 31 Jul 2009

How are Gray Brocket Deer, Mazama Gouazoubira, Populations Affected by Different Land Use Practices in the Arid Chaco of Argentina?

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Muhammad Mahmood-ul-Hassan 31 Jul 2009

An Assessment of the Diversity and Creation of Bat Conservation Awareness at Margalla Hills National Park

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John Paul Tiernan 27 Jul 2009

Investigations into Conservation Threats to the Intertidal Ecosystems of The Galápagos Islands, Ecuador

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Revocatus Mushumbusi Petro 24 Jul 2009

Community Based Conservation Status of Oxystigma Msoo Tree Species in Rau Forest Reserve

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Nicholas Bayly 24 Jul 2009

Crossing the Caribbean: Identifying Critical Fuelling Sites for Neotropical Migratory Birds in Northern Colombia

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Gathuru Mburu 23 Jul 2009

Development of Model Inter-Generational Learning Framework for Protection of Indigenous Forests in Kenya


Aylin Alegre Barroso 23 Jul 2009

Research and Environmental Education for Caves’ Conservation of the Protected Area Majayara

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Maan Barua 23 Jul 2009

Conservation of Figs and Frugivores in Assam, India

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Kiran Purandare 20 Jul 2009

Water for Wildlife – Reviving Waterholes in the Nagzira Wildlife Sanctuary

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Istvan Moldovan 20 Jul 2009

Survey of Breeding Sooty Falcons (Falco concolor) along the Southern Egyptian Red Sea Shore

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The Pham Van 20 Jul 2009

Conservation Assessment and Management of Globally Threatened Plant Species in Huu Lien Nature Reserve, Vietnam

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Mohan Raj Kafle 20 Jul 2009

Promoting Community Based Management of Invasive Water Hyacinth in Pokhara Valley Lakes of Nepal

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Anatoly Lebedev 20 Jul 2009

Informational and Consulting Support to the Local Forest Communities in Time of Crisis

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Didem Ambarli 20 Jul 2009

Assessment of Current Condition of Steppes in Central Anatolia for Conservation Purposes

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Donald Mpalika 20 Jul 2009

Community Demand Driven Cultivation of Critically Endangered and Endemic Devils Claw (CITES II, IUCN 2008) and Conservation of its Threatened Ecosystem in Nkuwazi Forest, Northern Region, Malawi