Project directory




6172 projects

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Zuo Fu Xiang 29 Aug 2008

Distribution Status and Conservation of the Gray Snub-Nosed Monkey in Guizhou

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Adrián Azpiroz 29 Aug 2008

Pampas Meadowlark: Using a Flagship Species to Promote Conservation in the South American Grasslands I

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Usham Singh 29 Aug 2008

Developing Solutions for Leopard-Human Conflicts in Karnataka

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Sergey Drobenkov 29 Aug 2008

Numerous Nesting Aggregations in the European Pond Turtle in South Belarus: Distribution, Current Threats, and Primary Priorities for Steady Conservation (Belarus)

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South Africa

Albert Chakona 29 Aug 2008

Comparative Phylogeography of Pseudobarbus, Barbus, Sandelia and Galaxias Scies in the Breede and Associated River Systems, South Africa: Implications for Conservation of a Threatened Fauna

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Nguyen Phuong Lan 29 Aug 2008

Building the ‘Let Birds Free’ Campaign to Raise Awareness among Local Schoolchildren and Communities

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Hoang Van Sam 29 Aug 2008

Indigenous Knowledge of Muong and Dao Ethnic Minority Groups on Medicinal Plants in Ba Vi National Park, Vietnam

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Kesaro Loeung 29 Aug 2008

Empowerment and Capacity Building of Community Fishery Committee in Undertaking Community-Based Aquatic Resources (Wetland) Management and Conservation

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Nedim Kemer 27 Aug 2008

A Fish Filter and “Scare-Fish” Project for Irrigating Responsibly to Conserve the Reproduction Cycle of Endemic Fish in Cooperation with Locals in the Köprülü Kanyon National Park, Türkiye

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H S Sushma 27 Aug 2008

Population Survey and Conservation of the Endangered Lion-Tailed Macaque in Kalakad-Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve, Tamil Nadu, India

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Fifanou G. Vodouhe 27 Aug 2008

Assessment of Optional Land Uses as Alternative Strategy for Biodiversity Conservation in Pendjari Biosphere Reserve in Benin

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Mark Pestov 27 Aug 2008

Study and Conservation of the Mediterranean Spur-Thighed Tortoise (Testudo graeca) in Caucasus

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Albert Addo 21 Aug 2008

Integrated Community Biodiversity Conservation, Training & Awareness to Protect Safe Habitats for Chimpanzees & Monkeys of Togo Plateau Range (ICBCTA), Ghana

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Marine Arakelyan 21 Aug 2008

Conservation of the Last Surviving Lizard Population in the Caucasus – The Racerunner Eremias arguta transcaucasica in Armenia

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Jorge Luis Renteria 21 Aug 2008

Integrated Weed Management in Galapagos – Combining Methods to Improve Control of the Invasive Rubus niveus and Leucaena leucocephala

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Trang Tran 18 Aug 2008

Conservation of the Threatened Conifers in the Dalat Plateau

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Kanlaya Sydavong 18 Aug 2008

Community Forest Management In Dongyang Area Project (CFM)

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Sharmila Deo 12 Aug 2008

Environment Education Programme in the Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary Area

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Alexander Lobora 12 Aug 2008

Conservation of Mammal Biodiversity in Southern Tanzania

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Chhum Samnang 12 Aug 2008

Phnom Tbeng Conservation and Development Project through Strengthening Forestry Law Enforcement in Project Area Aiming at Strictly Conserving Vulnerable Green Peafowl Pavo muticus

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Luis Vinueza 12 Aug 2008

Conservation Ecology of Galapagos Rocky Shores in the Face of Human Disturbance and Climate Change II


Jose Luis Ponce de Leon 12 Aug 2008

Ecology and Conservation of Endemic Freshwater Fishes in Western Cuba

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Jan Van der Winden 12 Aug 2008

Conservation of Important Wetland Habitats for Herons and Terns in the Lower Dniepr River and Delta

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Abhijit Das 12 Aug 2008

An Assessment of Herpetofaunal Diversity, Distribution and Conservation Status in Barail Hill Range, Northeast India

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James Manyungwa 12 Aug 2008

Saving the Critically Endangered Malawi’s Official National Tree, Mulanje Cedar (Widdringtonia whytei), through Community Participation and Environmental Education