Project directory




6172 projects

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Milene Martins 9 May 2008

Conservation Genetics of Populations of the Black-Faced Lion Tamarins (Leontopithecus caissara) from Superagüi Island and Mainland, Paraná, Brazil

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Eugene Skorobogatov 9 May 2008

River Otter (Lutra lutra) in Kharkov Region

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José F Zamorano-Abramson 9 May 2008

Killer Whale Interactions with Human Activities in Chilean Patagonia. Integrating Local Knowledge and Community Participation in Order to Support a Marine Conservation Program in the Area

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Iregi Mwenja 9 May 2008

The Distribution and Conservation Status of the Endangered Mt Uarges Guereza and the de Brazza’s and Sykes’ Monkey in Mathews Range, Leroghi and Ndoto Forests of Samburu

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Nabajit Das 9 May 2008

Population Status, Ecology and Threats of One of the Least Known Primate Species: Bengal Slow Loris (N. bengalensis) in the Protected Areas of Assam, India

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Ivo Ivanchev 8 May 2008

Conservation Measures of Globally Endangered Land Tortoises: Spur-Thighed and Spur-Tailed (Testudo graeca ibera and Testudo hermanni boettgeri) in the Black Sea Coast Region, Bulgaria

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Igor Popov 8 May 2008

Fresh Water Pearl Mussels Around Saint Petersburg

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Aditya Gangadharan 8 May 2008

Identifying Critical Areas for a Landscape Level Wildlife Corridor in the Southern Western Ghats

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George Stoyle 8 May 2008

Conserving Parrotfish as Keystone Species; Integrating Social and Ecological Approaches to Prevent Macroalgal Dominance on Caribbean Coral Reefs

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Maíra Proietti 8 May 2008

Conservation Genetics and Migratory Patterns of Sea Turtles in Southern Brazil

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Cristal Ange 8 May 2008

Community Participation in the Characterization and Surveillance of the Jaguar (Panthera onca) and in the Construction of a Local Conservation Plan for this Species in the International Bird Area “Valley of San Salvador”, La Guajira Department, Colombia

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Makhathe Moahloli 8 May 2008

Semonkong Community Nursery and Botanical Garden

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Nishith Dharaiya 8 May 2008

Evaluating Habitat and Human-Sloth Bear Conflict in North Gujarat, India - To Seek Solutions for Human-Bear Co-existence I

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Benjamin De Ridder 29 Apr 2008

HONKO Mangrove Conservation Project in the Bay of Ranobe (Madagascar)

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Dickson Agyeman 29 Apr 2008

Community Mangrove Regeneration and Sustainable Utilisation of Wetland Resources at Tekpekope in the Songor Ramsar Site, Ghana

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Rocio Ponce-Reyes 29 Apr 2008

Integrating Patterns and Processes for Identifying Conservation Priorities Among Fragments of Mexican Tropical Montane Cloud Forest

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Arash Ghoddousi 29 Apr 2008

Persian Leopard Conservation in Bamou National Park, Iran

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Simon Elwen 29 Apr 2008

Ecology and Conservation of Coastal Dolphins in Namibia

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Achyut Aryal 29 Apr 2008

Status and Conservation of Himalayan Serow in Annapurna Conservation Area in Nepal

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Luis Suarez 28 Apr 2008

Transboundary Air Pollution in Peruvian Amazon

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Tang Ya 28 Apr 2008

An Impact Assessment on Biodiversity Conservation Caused by Massive Hydroelectric Projects in the Lower Reaches of the Jinsha Jiang River

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Jaime Andrés Cabrera 26 Apr 2008

Natural Licks Ecology in the Southern Colombian Amazon

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Gulnaz Jalilova 25 Apr 2008

Education on Biodiversity Conservation in the Walnut Fruit Forests in Kyrgyzstan

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Jaime Ernesto Rivera-Hernandez 25 Apr 2008

Towards a Strategy of Environmental Education and Communitarian Ecotourism in San Juan Teponaxtla, Oaxaca, Mexico

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Sao Tome and Principe

Andrea Baquero 25 Apr 2008

Divergence of Adaptive Phenotypic Traits and Mate Recognition Systems (Song) in Response to Recent Anthropogenic Habitat Changes in an Oceanic Island (São Tomé, Gulf of Guinea) Endemic Passerine (Speirops lugubris)