Project directory




6172 projects

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Karl Wurster 28 Mar 2008

Does Management Matter? Assessing the Effects of Charcoal Production and Management on Woodland Regeneration in Senegal

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Marina Londres 28 Mar 2008

Ecology and Management of Andiroba (Carapa guianensis aubl.) in Tidal Floodplain Forests of the Amazon Estuary: Participatory Research of a Community-Identified Priority Timber and Non-Timber Tree Species

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South Africa

Roan Plotz 28 Mar 2008

Applying a New Reliable and Rapid Field-Based Pregnancy Test to the Monitoring and Management of Endangered Black Rhinoceros

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Mario Cabrera 27 Mar 2008

Lizards Diversity and its Understanding by Local People in Central Argentina

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Robert Bitariho 27 Mar 2008

The Utilisation and Conservation Status of Non-Timber Forest Products in an Afromontane Forest of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, South West Uganda

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Jacinta Abalaka 27 Mar 2008

How Important are Figs in the Conservation Effort at Amurum Forest Reserve, Laminga?

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Mary Ngozi Molokwu 27 Mar 2008

Conservation Education and Capacity Building: Rural Participation in Conservation and Production of Fuel-Efficient Stoves

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Kenneth Anyomi 27 Mar 2008

Beyond Protective Status, What Next? Current Knowledge on Talbotiella gentii, an Endemic Species in Ghana

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Rocio Mariano Jelicich 27 Mar 2008

Migration Patterns and Population Connectivity of the Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger intercedens) in South America: A Continental Approach

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Leonardo de Carvalho Oliveira 27 Mar 2008

Can Golden-Headed Lion Tamarins Survive in Cabruca Agroforest? Management Implications for an Endangered Species and Habitat

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Basudev Tripathy 27 Mar 2008

Enhancing Livelihoods through Promoting Community Based Sea Turtle Conservation at Rushikulya Rookery, South Orissa

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Sierra Leone

Bala Amarasekaran 27 Mar 2008

Tacugama Kids Programme (TKP) / Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary

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Peiqi Liu 27 Mar 2008

Survey of Scaly-Sided Merganser (Mergus squamatus) Breeding Population and Migration in the Changbai Mountains, China

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Mykyta Peregrym 26 Mar 2008

Conservation of Natural Habitats of Tulipa gesneriana L. (Liliaceae) in Ukraine

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Lida Marcela Franco Pérez 26 Mar 2008

Ecology, Behavior and Conservation of the Endangered Arboreal Marsupial Small Dromiciops gliroides “Monito de Monte”

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Cu Luu Dam 26 Mar 2008

A Conservation Strategy of Rare and Endangered Medicinal Plants of Tay and Nung Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam

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Somjit Pongpasoed 26 Mar 2008

Mangrove Rehabilitation and Regeneration for Biodiversity Ranong Province, Thailand I

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Abiud Kaswamila 26 Mar 2008

Mitigating Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Wildlife Corridors: The Case of Tarangire-Manyara Basin Ecosystem, Northern Tanzania

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Edgardo Ernesto Di Giacomo 26 Mar 2008

Identification of Egg Laying Areas for Chondrichthyan Fishes in a Coastal Zone of San Matías Gulf, Northern Patagonia, Argentina

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Ricardo Alvarez 26 Mar 2008

Population Density, Distribution and Conservation Status of Marine Otter (Lontra felina) in the Archipielago de las Guaitecas and Corcovado Gulf

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Neil Aldrin Mallari 26 Mar 2008

Strengthening Protected Area Management System to Respond to Conservation Needs of Globally Threatened Species in Palawan, Philippines

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Surendra Wagle 26 Mar 2008

Achhami Cattle Conservation Awareness Project (ACCAP) Nepal

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Peter Mulbah 26 Mar 2008

Environmental Conservation Outreach Programme Focusing on Youths around the East Nimba Nature Reserve (ENNR), Nimba County, Liberia

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Samya Basu 26 Mar 2008

Ecological Restoration of Elephant Corridors and Community Awareness to Reduce Human-Elephant Conflict around Mayurjharna Elephant Reserve, West Bengal, India

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Sumit Dookia 26 Mar 2008

Conservation of Indian Gazelle or Chinkara through Community Support in Thar Desert of Rajasthan, India II