Project directory




6172 projects

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Solomon Islands

Reuben John Sulu 28 Feb 2008

Status and Vulnerability of Coral Reef Groupers to Artisanal Fishing Pressure in the Solomon Islands

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Adriana Bravo 28 Feb 2008

Frugivorous Bats and Collpas: Activity Hotspots as Conservation Priorities for the Rainforests of Southeastern Peru


Madeleine Johnson 28 Feb 2008

Knowing, Using and Protecting the Hidden Botanical Treasures of Cameroonian Forests

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Liu Jia 28 Feb 2008

A Survey and Conservation Project of Coral Reefs Along the Hepu County Coast in China

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Alexandre Paro 28 Feb 2008

Population Size and Site Fidelity of the Estuarine Dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) in South Rio Grande do Norte State, Northeast Brazil – Implications for Conservation

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Roopa Krithivasan 28 Feb 2008

Assessment of Human-Wolf Conflict in Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra to Devise Conflict Mitigation Methods for Forestry Managers and the Local Community


K. C. Chandra 28 Feb 2008

Assessment of the Rangeland Condition in Relation to Land Use and Livestock Farming in the Mountain Regions of Nepal

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Catherine Craig 28 Feb 2008

Wild Silk Production to Alleviate Poverty and Preserve the Biodiversity of the Makira Protected Area, Madagascar

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Ross Culloch 28 Feb 2008

The Ecology and Apparent Threats to Cetaceans within the Arabian Sea Region of the Indian Ocean Sanctuary (IOS) II

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Laura Cavallero 28 Feb 2008

Birds as Mediators of Ecological Restoration in Forestlands of Northwestern Patagonia, Argentina

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Yury Yarovenko 28 Feb 2008

Status and Distribution of Leopards in the Mountains of Daghestan, Russia

South Sudan

Gordon Kau 26 Feb 2008

Forest & Wildlife Conservation

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Rocío Palacios 26 Feb 2008

Building Capacity for Andean Cat Monitoring in Argentina's Andean Steppe, a Promising New Site for Long Time Conservation

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Gustavo Adolfo Castellanos Galindo 26 Feb 2008

Tides and Seascape Configuration – Determinants of Reef Fish Intertidal Migration in the Tropical Eastern Pacific (Colombia)


Nicephor Lesio 26 Feb 2008

Conservation of Black Rhino (Diceros bicornis) in North Eastern Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania

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George Gorgadze 26 Feb 2008

Human-Otter Conflict Management and Conservation in Georgia

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Salha Hassan Alban 26 Feb 2008

Conservation of Coral Reef in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia (KK Reef Watch)

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South Africa

Rainer Schimpf 26 Feb 2008

The Film ' Ocean Messengers'

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Jorge Valenzuela 26 Feb 2008

Forest Harvest Effects on Bird Communities in Chiloé Archipelagos: Implications in Small, Medium and Large Island Respect to Human Activities

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Dipesh Joshi 26 Feb 2008

Status of Smooth Indian Otter (Lutra perspicillata) and Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystem Outside Protected Areas of Bardia National Park in Karnali River, Nepal

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Nirmala Pradhan 26 Feb 2008

An Assessment of Biodiversity in Panch Pokhari of Sindhupalchok District of Central Nepal Emphasizing Conservation Needs

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Marisol Pedregosa-Hospodarsky 26 Feb 2008

A Faunal Survey of North Negros Natural Park, Negros Island, Philippines

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Passanan Cutter 25 Feb 2008

The Ecology and Conservation of Fishing Cats in Thailand

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Michael Gilmore 25 Feb 2008

Using Participatory Mapping as a Tool for Nature Conservation in Maijuna Traditional Lands

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Margarita Brandt 25 Feb 2008

Understanding the Functional Roles of Biodiversity in the Galapagos Marine Reserve, Ecuador