Project directory




6172 projects

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Martin Etone 22 Jan 2008

Tackling the Bushmeat Crisis through Wildlife Conservation Education I

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Martín Monteverde 22 Jan 2008

The Huiña: Conservation and Ecology of a Threatened Endemic Wild Cat of Patagonian Forest

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Coralie D' Lima 22 Jan 2008

Population Dynamics and Management of the Irrawaddy Dolphin in Chilika Lagoon, Orissa

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Congo (DRC)

Eric Jonas Eriksson 5 Jan 2008

Community Participation in Patrol and Surveillance of Forest Resources in Salonga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo

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Agustin Paviolo 29 Dec 2007

Jaguar (Panthera onca) Densities in the Atlantic Forest of Argentina: Its Relationship with Prey Availability, Hunting Pressure and the Presence of Pumas (Puma concolor) II

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Umilaela 20 Dec 2007

Frogs Diversity for Ecological Monitoring in Karimata Island, Indonesia

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Alicia Follosco 20 Dec 2007

Participatory Mapping of the Natural Domain and Ecological and Hydrologic Survey Along with the Local Communities of Chananaw and Tulgao in Tinglayan, Kalinga

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Veronica Miranda 20 Dec 2007

Conservation of Dippers, to Preserve Water and Montane Forests

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Dien Le Thi 20 Dec 2007

Building Up the Collected Model of Medicinal Plants with the Participation of Local People in the Buffer Zone of Bach Ma National Park, Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam

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Gaius Wilson 20 Dec 2007

A Study of Invasive Weeds and their Impact on the Elephant Habitat in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, South India

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Vladimir Ovchinnikov 20 Dec 2007

Langry-Bolshaya Conservation Plan, Russia

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Nicholas Bayly 20 Dec 2007

Evaluating a Stepping Stone for Neotropical Migratory Birds – The Belizean North-East Biological Corridor

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Armindo Da Silva 20 Dec 2007

Elephants (Loxodonta africana) Conservation Planning and Monitoring in Mozambique Central Ecosystem Using GIS and Remote Sensing

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Sulemana Adamu 20 Dec 2007

Community Involvement and Empowerment in the Conservation of Marine Turtles in Two Coastal Districts of Ghana

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Akpona A. Hugues 20 Dec 2007

Evaluation of Factors Affecting Human – Spotted Necked Otters’ (Lutra maculicollis) Conflicts for their Conservation and Management in Wetlands of Southern Benin

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Arturo Muñoz 19 Dec 2007

Bolivian Amphibian Initiative I

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Dino Andrew 19 Dec 2007

Domestication of Prunus africana in Chagga Homegardens, Tanzania

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Bhupendra Prasad Yadav 19 Dec 2007

An Assessment of Asiatic Black Bear (Ursus thibetanus) – Human Conflicts at Dhorpartan Hunting Reserve, Nepal

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Côte d'Ivoire

Ilka Herbinger 19 Dec 2007

Club P.A.N. (Personnes, Animaux et Nature/ People, Animals, & Nature) – A Conservation Education Project Aimed at Teaching Children Living around the Taï National Park, Ivory Coast about the Value of Chimpanzees and Other Wildlife

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Torbjørn Haugaasen 19 Dec 2007

Nutty Livelihoods: Efforts to Save Rural Incomes and a Crucial Extractive Industry in the Amazon I

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Grace Pam 18 Dec 2007

Conservation Education for Children in Plateau State, Nigeria: The Children for Nature Project (CNFP) I

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Pradeep Kumar Nath 18 Dec 2007

Sea Turtle Protection Project

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Jeewan Singh Jalal 18 Dec 2007

Orchid Restoration through Peoples Involvement in Gori Valley of Western Himalaya in India

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Milena Salgado-Lynn 18 Dec 2007

Conservation of Adaptive Genetic Diversity in Primates of the Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary

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Olsi Qazimi 18 Dec 2007

Sharra Mountain Dog (Illyrian Mastiff)