Project directory




6172 projects

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David Mirera 3 Apr 2007

Enhancing Mangrove Wetland Conservation through Silvofisheries Opportunities in Two Coastal Communities of Kenya

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Roberto Lindig-Cisneros 3 Apr 2007

Biodiversity Conservation and Ecological Restoration at the Mintzita Wetland Complex, Michoacan

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Malvern Karidozo 3 Apr 2007

Human-Wildlife Coexistence in a Landscape Mosaic – A Landscape Level Approach to Mitigate Human-Elephant Conflicts in Livingstone, Zambia

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Nan Wang 3 Apr 2007

An Assessment of the Importance of Traditional Livelihoods and Beliefs in Protection Scared Forests and thereby Conserving Wildlife in Western Sichuan, China

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Nigel Pitman 3 Apr 2007

Monitoring Faunal Recovery in a Former Illegal Logging Hotspot in Amazonian Peru


Benedict O Balderrama 23 Mar 2007

Learning & Networking for Community-Based Mangrove Conservation and Rehabiliation


Aguko Juma 9 Mar 2007

Conservation of Antivenom Medicinal Plants in Godjope Hill – Lambwe Valley

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Achyut Aryal 9 Mar 2007

Conservation of Musk Deer ‘Moschus chrysogaster’ in Annapurna Conservation Area of Mustang District of Nepal

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George Predoiu 9 Mar 2007

Habituated Bears in Romania – A Challenge for Romanian Wildlife Management

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Solomon Islands

Patrick Pikacha 9 Mar 2007

Kuchu Mago Frog Project: Distribution, Abundance, Habitat Preference and Conservation Status of Frogs of the New Georgian Islands, Western Province, Solomon Islands

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Partha Jyoti Das 2 Mar 2007

From Penitence to a Pledge: Anthropogenic Impact on the Nameri Tiger Reserve, Assam (India) and its Mitigation through Civil Society Intervention and Community Action

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Andrés Tálamo 2 Mar 2007

Regeneration Mechanisms of the Two Most Important Arboreal Species in Semi-Arid Chaco Forest in Argentina

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Diego Amorocho 2 Mar 2007

Nesting Ecology and Public Participation for Conservation Management of the Olive Ridley Sea Turtle at Gorgona National Park – Colombia

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Marina Beatriz Blanco 15 Feb 2007

Population and Reproductive Biology of Microcebus and Cheirogaleus in the Eastern Rain Forest of Madagascar

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Batsukh Nemekhjargal 15 Feb 2007

Support Herders Initiative to Establish Community Managed Areas at the Borders of Buren and Bayan-Unjuul Soums of Tuv Aimag

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Suman Bhattarai 14 Feb 2007

Awareness Creating and Knowledge Imparting Project for the Conservation of Internationally Valued, Nationally Endangered and Globally Threatened Species ‘Rhinoceros unicornis’

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Pham Huu Tri 14 Feb 2007

Rehabilitation and Conservation the Seagrass Meadows at Cam Hai Dong, Cam Ranh Bay, Khanh Hoa Province, Central Vietnam

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Chetan Halandur Chandrashekara 14 Feb 2007

Identifying Biological Constraints in Natural Regeneration of Native Tree Species in Abandoned Tea and Coffee Plantation of the Western Ghats, India

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Hendrik Freitag 9 Feb 2007

Lake Manguao Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation Project

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Enrique Javier Derlindati 9 Feb 2007

Conservation of High Andes Flamingo Species (Phoenicoparrus andinus and P. jamesi): Habitat Use and Activity Patterns in Two Contrasting Wetland Systems of Argentina

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Pramesh Kunwor 9 Feb 2007

Water Buffalo (Bubalus arnee) Conservation Awareness Project

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Sunita Chaudhary 9 Feb 2007

Status of and Threats to Ganges River Dolphins in Koshi River of Nepal

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Adriana Ines Zapata 9 Feb 2007

Regal and Hawk Moths of the ‘Serrano’ Forest in Eastern Slopes of the ‘Sierras Chicas’ of Cordoba

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Susan Cheyne 9 Feb 2007

Orang-utans and Gibbons Compared: Implications of Differences in Feeding and Behavioural Ecology for Conservation I

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Le Thi Thu Ha 9 Feb 2007

Management of Mangrove Ecosystem (Nypa fruticans) and Provision of Livelihood Alternatives for Rural People in Cau Ngang District, Tra Vinh Province, Vietnam