Project directory




6172 projects

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Pak I Made Suarnatha 29 Sep 2006

Jaringan Ekowisata Desa (Village Ecotourism Network)

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Peter Smetacek 29 Sep 2006

Inventory and Comparison of Moth Communities Inhabiting Different Forest Ecosystems in the Foothills of the Kumaon Himalaya, India

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Shivani Bhalla 29 Sep 2006

The Ecology and Conservation of Lions: Factors Affecting the Population Dynamics within the Samburu / Buffalo Springs / Shaba Ecosystem and the Surrounding Areas

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Tsewang Namgail 29 Sep 2006

Pastoralism and Wildlife Conservation: Assessing the Coexistence of Wild and Domestic Ungulates for Multiple Rangeland Use in the Trans-Himalaya.

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Emiliano Donadio 26 Sep 2006

The Impact of Puma Predation and Human Harassment on Two Species of Threatened Wild South American Camelids: A Regional and Seasonal Assessment in Protected Areas of North Western Argentina

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Liliana Ayala 26 Sep 2006

By-Catch of Albatrosses and Petrels in Artisan Longline Fisheries in Northern Peru

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Dawson Eligard 26 Sep 2006

Capacity Building of Conservation Scouts Working in Communities Surrounding Ruaha National Park

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Bakker Nongni Mola'a 18 Sep 2006

Environmental Education Programme for the Population Living Around the Deng Deng Forest in the East Province of Cameroon

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Papua New Guinea

Samson Komati Yuimb 18 Sep 2006

Reforesting Deforested Lands and Growing a Multi-Million Dollar Timber Industry in the Western Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea

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Johanna Kolemainen 18 Sep 2006

Magoroto Mlinga Community Ecotourism Project I

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Philip Forboseh 18 Sep 2006

Evaluating the Biodiversity Impact of Community Forestry at Kilum-Ijim in Northwest Cameroon

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Laura Marina Reyes 15 Sep 2006

Marine Conservation Programme for Central Patagonia, Argentina: Setting Basis for the Creation of Marine Protected Areas

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Pratyush Mohapatra 15 Sep 2006

Setting Up Snake Helpline Clubs in Four Towns of Orissa

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Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy 15 Sep 2006

Restoration of Mangrove Forest and Improving the Awareness of the Local Communities on the Protection of Mangrove Ecosystems

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Gabriel Rocha Sagrera 14 Sep 2006

Threatened Birds Conservation in Grassland Habitat

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Eduardo Secchi 14 Sep 2006

Identifying Priority Areas for the Conservation of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) Inhabiting the Pato's Lagoon Estuary, Southern Brazil

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Linet Watson 14 Sep 2006

Ecology and Conservation Status of the Giant Fish Arapaima gigas in the Rupununi Wetlands of Guyana

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Morris Gosling 14 Sep 2006

Conservation of Hartmann's Mountain Zebra and their Nama Karoo Habitat in Namibia

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Daliborka Barjaktarov 14 Sep 2006

Evaluation and Role of Gružansko Jezero Lake as Important Site for Migratory Birds in Moravsko-Vardarskom Migration Route

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Choo Chee Kuang 13 Sep 2006

Community-Based Seahorse Conservation in the Pulai River Estuary, Malaysia

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Sameh Darawshi 12 Sep 2006

Aggregation, Movement Dynamics and Feeding Habits of the Short-Toed Snake-Eagle in Relation to Agricultural Activities in the Judean Slopes

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Razvan Deju 12 Sep 2006

Sustainable Management in Vanatori Neamt Natural Park’s European Bison Population

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Monica Valeria Pia 7 Sep 2006

Influence of Environmental and Antropics Factors on Top Predators Density in Rocky Mountains of Central Argentina

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Nguyen Vinh Thanh 7 Sep 2006

Behavior and Ecology of Delacour’s Langur in Van Long Nature Reserve, Vietnam I

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Varad Bhagwan Giri 7 Sep 2006

Caecilians of the Northern Western Ghats, India – An Assessment of the Species and their Conservation Status