Project directory




6172 projects

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Dulce Itandehui Hernández Aguilar 2 Dec 2020

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Perception of Mammals, with an Emphasis on Bats, and Action Plan for their Conservation in Oaxaca, Mexico

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Bernard Eshun 2 Dec 2020

Conservation of the Critically Endangered Blackchin Guitarfish (Glaucostegus cemiculus) in Ghana

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Arjun Pandit 2 Dec 2020

Tuberculosis Surveillance in Asian Elephants of Nepal at Captive-Wild Interface and TB Awareness Among Elephant Handlers

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Seidu Issah 2 Dec 2020

Status and Conservation of EDGE Sharks and Rays in the West Coast of Ghana

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Scholastica Dickson Mbinile 2 Dec 2020

Conserving the Critically Endangered Rungwecebus kipunji through Studying Distribution Patterns and Capacity Building at Rungwe-Livingstone Forests, Tanzania

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Irène Blondelle Kenfack 2 Dec 2020

Critically Endangered Vulture Species in Northern Cameroon: Population Assessments and Community Engagement

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Katherine Adelle Meier 2 Dec 2020

Effect and Affect of the World’s Largest Swamp-Forest on Congo’s Great Apes

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Diego Gallego García 2 Dec 2020

Rediscovering and Protecting Chaco Eagle Populations in a Critical Area for its Conservation

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Bruce Ainebyona 2 Dec 2020

Sustainable Community Conservation of Magombe Wetland, Western Uganda

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Bárbara Rani Borges 2 Dec 2020

Microplastics in Surface Water of the Itupararanga Reservoir, an Environmental Protection Area (São Paulo – Brazil)

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Amos Fang Zeh 2 Dec 2020

Assessing the Population and Enhancing the Capacity of Peripheral Communities in the Conservation of Pangolin (Manis spp) in the Kimbi-Fungom National Park, Cameroon

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Luciana Alves Pereira 18 Nov 2020

Movement of Catfishes in the Amazon Basin

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Aghah Valery Binda 18 Nov 2020

Advancing Community-Driven Conservation of Great Apes and Elephants in the Campo Ma’an National Park, Cameroon

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Nancy Awuor Oduor 10 Nov 2020

Community-Based Marine Litter Management for Restoration of Endangered Turtle Habitats along the Kenyan Coast II

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Kamal Devkota 9 Nov 2020

Education in Motion: Strategies to Engage Communities in Snake Conservation When Science isn't Enough

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Clara Naomi Cassell 5 Nov 2020

Early Steps Towards Liberia's Bird Atlas Project

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Tilak Thapamagar 2 Nov 2020

Enhancing the Local Community for Musk Deer Conservation in Khaptad National Park, Western Nepal

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Takoukam Kamla Aristide 30 Oct 2020

Conservation and Monitoring Sea Turtle Activities Along the Northern Coast of Cameroon

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Emmanuel Opoku Acheampong 30 Oct 2020

Livelihood Security of Landless Farmers After Canopy Closure: Introduction of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP's) in Restored Forests in Ghana

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Konoutan Médard Kafoutchoni 29 Oct 2020

Towards a Sustainable Conservation of the Endangered and Endemic Thunbergia Atacorensis through Community Education and Participatory Restoration in Benin

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Constanza Guadalupe Vivanco 28 Oct 2020

Status Assessment and Community Involvement for the Conservation of the Taruca (Hippocamelus antisensis) in Jujuy Province, Argentina

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Tumuhairwe Godfrey 28 Oct 2020

Boosting Overlapping Habitats Management in River Katonga Catchment in Uganda

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Sandy Oduor 23 Oct 2020

Understanding Nutritional and Physiological Stress Responses of African Elephants Exposed to Varying Land Use Types in Kenya to Aid Conservation Management

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Tuoi Thi Hoang 23 Oct 2020

Population Status, Distribution and Conservation of the Threatened Huongson Bent-toed Gecko (Cyrtodactylus huongsonensis) in Vietnam

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Flávia Pereira Tirelli 23 Oct 2020

Effects of Human Disturbance on Occupancy and Activity Patterns of Carnivora (Mammalia) Species in the Uruguayan Savannah