Lívia Maria Negrini Ferreira 2 Mar 2020
Attractiveness and Combined Toxicity of Pesticides to Wild Bees: Subsidies for Pollinator Conservation
6383 projects
Attractiveness and Combined Toxicity of Pesticides to Wild Bees: Subsidies for Pollinator Conservation
Participatory Conservation of a Brazilian Estuarine Socioecological System: Empowering Artisanal Fishers through Community-Based Tourism
Conversion of the North-Western Argentina Forest into Exotic Eucalyptus Tree Plantations: Effects on Bird Communities
Pangolin Population Assessment in Forest Vs. Savannah Habitats: Improving the Effectiveness of Camera-Traps Used to Monitor These Species
Conservation of Ectomycorrhizal Fungal and their Habitat: Challenges for Sustainable Management of Biodiversity in Benin (West Africa)
Project Pteropus Phase 3: Understanding Bat-Plant Interactions to Protect Ecosystems in Peninsular Malaysia
Landscape Heterogeneity Effects on Pollinator Diversity and Pollination Service on Family Farms in Monte Desert, Argentina
Improving Spinetail Ray Population in Savu Sea through Scientific Research and Conservation Education for Local Stakeholder and University
Increase Livelihoods Opportunities by Monitoring Fish Population and Human Activities in the Catchments Along the Lake Nyasa and Ruhuhu River, Tanzania
Assessing the Spread of the Deadly Disease White-Nose Syndrome in Texas and Northern Mexico
Contribution to the Management of the Andean Bear-Human Interactions in the Influence Area of Puracé National Natural Park, Southwestern Colombia
How is Wildlife Poaching Changing in Uganda and How Can We Understand the Contribution of Responses to Wildlife Protection Efforts at Multiple Scales?
Roost Site Selection, Behaviour and Threat Assessment of Critically Endangered White-bellied Herons (Ardea insignis) in Bhutan
Continuation of the Sea Turtles & Coastal Biodiversity Conservation in Kalpitiya Peninsula, Sri Lanka
Population and Conservation Status of the Turkestan Lynx (Lynx lynx isabellina Blyth, 1847) in the Kazakh Part of the Northern Tien Shan
Tropical Forest Conservation: Evaluating the Impact of Anthropogenic Disturbance in the Canopies of Tropical Forests in the Southern Western Ghats, India
Conservation of Threatened Vulture Species through Research and Awareness Programs in Chitral, Pakistan
Repeat Road Surveys of Endangered Raptors in Southern Botswana
Situation of Domestic Carnivores in San José District and His Impact in Wildlife Carnivores of the Southern Patches of Equatorial Dry Forest in Perú
Dispersal of Large-Seeded Plants by Tent Roosting Bats (Phyllostomidae) and Understory Forest Conditions in Two Alluvial Forests of El Salvador
Anatomy and Systematics of Oocephalus (Benth.) Harley & J. F. B.Pastore: Taxonomic Resolutions for Conservation Application
Primate Abundance, Distribution and Conservation Threat Assessment in the Awi Zone, North-Western Ethiopia
Conservation Support for Endemic and Threatened Cacti Species in the Brazilian Caatinga
Assessment of Population, Habitat and Threats to Cycas pectinata, a Vulnerable Taxa in Bhutan