Project directory




6172 projects

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Ashni Kumar Dhawale 29 May 2018

Ecological and Behavioural Adaptations of the Endangered Lion-Tailed Macaque to a Rainforest–Anthropogenic Habitat Matrix in India: Implications for Management I

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Tilak Thapamagar 29 May 2018

Community Stewardship for the Sustainable Conservation of Himalayan Musk Deer (Moschus chrysogaster) in Khaptad National Park, Nepal

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Bishnu Achhami 29 May 2018

Transforming Local Communities to Citizen Scientists for Local Level Long-Term Conservation of Musk Deer in Manaslu Conservation Area, Nepal

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Munib Khanyari 25 May 2018

Developing Evidence-Based Understanding and Management of Disease Transmission between Wild and Domestic Ungulates in the Indian Trans-Himalayas

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Tatiane Micheletti Ribeiro Silva 25 May 2018

Managing Invasive Feral Cats in Fernando de Noronha: Protecting Endemic and Native Brazilian Wildlife

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Shivish Bhandari 25 May 2018

Community Stewardship to Mitigate Human-Hyena (hyaena hyaena) Conflict in Parsa National Park and its Adjoining Areas

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Moses Kugonza 25 May 2018

Conservation to Coexist: Participatory Action Research for Wildlife Conservation in Kibale National Park, Uganda (Part 2)

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Korana Kocic 24 May 2018

Biodiversity Assessment and Conservation Status of Specialized Aphid/Parasitoid Trophic Associations in Endangered Coniferous Forests of Serbia

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Hugo Cardoso de Moura Costa 24 May 2018

White-Lipped Peccary Conservation Within and Outside Amazonian Extractive Reserves

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Georgiy Shakula 24 May 2018

Menzbir Marmot (Marmota menzbieri) Current Status in Central Asia

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Biraj Shrestha 24 May 2018

Stream Frogs’ (Paha) Consumption Scenario vs Conservation Strategy? Analyzing a Catch-22 Situation from the Northern Segments of Bhojpur District, Eastern Nepal

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Wangechi Kiongo 24 May 2018

Assessing the Impacts of Lake Changes on the Livelihood of Communities Around Lake Turkana: Does Any Alternative Livelihood Exist?

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Thiago Couto 24 May 2018

Cumulative Effects of Small Hydropower Dams in Rivers of the Brazilian Araucária Moist Forest

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Robert Mzungu Runya 24 May 2018

Promoting Sustainable Ecotourism for Conservation and Management of Mangroves in Gazi Bay - Kenya

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Phòng Hoài Trinh 24 May 2018

Distribution and Conservation of the Endangered Giant Land Snail (Bertia cambojiensis) in Southern Vietnam

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Pablo Andrade Cruz 24 May 2018

Marine Biodiversity of Mainland Ecuador

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Oluwabunmi Jegede 24 May 2018

Integrated Conservation Approach for Hooded Vultures in a New Range, in Lagos, Nigeria

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Nicolas Vaiman 24 May 2018

Reforestation with Prosopis alba in a Degraded Forest – Impacts on Herbaceous Stratum Biodiversity

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Nayely Martínez-Meléndez 24 May 2018

Conservation and Management of Non-Timber Forest Resources: The Case of Epiphytes and Fungi in Logged Forests in Southern Mexico

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Natia Barateli 24 May 2018

Conservation of an Endemic Darevskia dryada in Charnali Gorge Area

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South Africa

Lyle Vorsatz 24 May 2018

The Nursery Role of Mangrove Microhabitats at their Northern and Southern Distributional Limits: An Invertebrate and Fish Larval Perspective

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Dipendra Adhikari 24 May 2018

Status, Distribution and Participatory Based Conservation Initiatives for Striped Hyaena (Hyaena hyaena) in Central Lowland, Nepal

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Dickson Boateng 24 May 2018

Conserving the Mangroves of Anomabo, Egya, Abandze and Saltpond to Promote Coastal Biodiversity, Livelihood and Increased Adaptation to Climate Change

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Patrick Jules Atagana 24 May 2018

Bat Community Response to Forest Loss and Habitat Conversion in Southern Cameroon I

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Alejandro Campuzano Zuluaga 24 May 2018

Traditional Ecological Knowledge for the Management of Fish Resources in AATIZOT, Alto Tiquie River, Colombian Amazon