Project directory




6172 projects

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Myo Min Thant 7 Mar 2018

Conservation of Flora Biodiversity in Secondary Forest of Kyaik Htee Yoe Reserve Forest

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South Africa

Mariëtte Estelle Pretorius 7 Mar 2018

Land-Use Change Effects on the Space Use of Cave-Dwelling Bat Assemblages

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Jasmin Pasic 7 Mar 2018

Study of Bat Fauna within Protected Area of National Park Kozara

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Matthias De Beenhouwer 6 Mar 2018

Unravelling Amphibian Diversity in Montane Rainforest Remnants of Southwest Ethiopia

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Zo Samuel Ella Fenosoa 6 Mar 2018

Effect of the Dispersal of the Mistletoe bakerella sp. By Frugivorous Lemurs on Plant Communities and Biodiversity in Eastern Rainforest of Madagascar

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Helder Coelho Guabiroba Jr 6 Mar 2018

Effects of Different Levels of Environmental Protection upon the Local Distribution of Reef Fishes: Does Human Presence Alter Reef Fish Community Structure?

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Rasyid Assaf Dongoran 5 Mar 2018

Sumatran Tiger Protection : Batang Gadis National Park and Batangtoru Forest Ecosystem

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Vuk Iković 5 Mar 2018

Assessment of Demographic Structure and Protection Measures of the Balkan Terrapin (Mauremys rivulata) in Montenegro

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Basma Sheta 5 Mar 2018

The Role of Constructed and Natural Reedbeds in Preserving Ecosystem and Biodiversity in Lake Manzala, Egypt

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Margaret Awuor Owuor 2 Mar 2018

Enhancing Community Awareness, Participation and Education in Environment Conservation and Management of Akara Hills, Kenya III

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South Africa

Morgan Pfeiffer 1 Mar 2018

Cape Vultures and Wind Energy: Unravelling the Effect of Threats and Possible Mitigating Measures

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Maxim Tarantovich 1 Mar 2018

Restoration of Habitats of European Roller is a Way to Conserve Biodiversity in Belarus

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Burkina Faso

Abel Kadeba 1 Mar 2018

Conservation of Three Local Species of Rocky Hills Vegetation Overexploited by Women to Decant the Local Beer (dolo or tchapalo) in Burkina Faso, Western Africa

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Jelena Brnović 1 Mar 2018

Monitoring of the Highly Endangered Eel in Montenegro Due to the Assessment of the State and Potential Changes to the Law on Fisheries in Accordance with EU

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Houssein Samwell Kimaro 28 Feb 2018

Encroachment Dynamics of Acacia drepalonobium and Acacia seyal in Maswa Game Controlled Area

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Abebayehu Aticho 28 Feb 2018

Advance Community Based Conservation of Wattled Crane and Wetland Habitat in Jimma Zone, Southwestern Ethiopia

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Felipe de Moraes Carvalho 28 Feb 2018

Marine Ecosystem Impacts of Fisheries in Brazil

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Krishna Prasad Pokharel 27 Feb 2018

Connectivity Survey of Four-Horned Antelope in Human Disturbed Landscape between Chitwan and Banke National Parks

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Emina Sunje 27 Feb 2018

Establishment of the Regional Monitoring Program for the Dinaric Populations of Alpine Salamanders

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Camilo Loaiza 27 Feb 2018

Demographic Variation of the Bird Species Barred Antshrike (Thamnophilus doliatus) in Habitats with Different Quality in a Tropical Dry Forest

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Eugenia Cordero Schmidt 27 Feb 2018

Nectar-Feeding Bats: Habitat and Resource Limitations in a Seasonal Tropical Dry Forest of Brazil and Inputs for their Conservation

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Carlos Herney Caceres Martínez 27 Feb 2018

Use of the Andean Bear and Puma for the Elaboration of a Model of Connectivity among the Tamá, Cocuy, Pisba NNP and the Guanenta SFF in the Eastern of Colombia

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Vilbert Vabi Vamuloh 26 Feb 2018

Understanding Farmer Motivations to Participate in Contract Farming: The Case of Oil Palm in Ghana

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Hemanta Dhakal 26 Feb 2018

Strengthen and Extension of Participatory Conservation of Critically Endangered Slender-Billed Vulture Gyps tenuirostris in Western Mid-Hills of Nepal

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Heliana Dundarova 22 Feb 2018

Underground Habitats as a Unit for Conservation of Vulnerable Bat Communities in South-Western Kyrgyzstan