Project directory




6172 projects

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Nadine Ruppert 25 Jan 2017

Pigtailed Macaques in Oil Palm Plantations - Pest or Pest Control?

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Folaranmi Babalola 25 Jan 2017

Efficient Fuelwood Use as a Strategy to Reducing Household Pressure on Natural Forests of Guinea Savanna Zone of Nigeria

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Lina Mushabati 24 Jan 2017

Assessment of Water Pollution Levels and its Effect on Bat Species Richness in the Kunene Region (Namibia)

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Andrej Gajić 24 Jan 2017

Assessment of Degree of Exploration and Conservation Strategy of the Protection of Sharks, Skates and Rays in the Neum Bay

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Sonam Phuntsho 24 Jan 2017

Wildlife Conservation in Community Forest Management in Bhutan: Current Realities and Future Potentials

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Murthy Kantimahanti 24 Jan 2017

Conservation Status Survey of Rusty-Spotted Cat in the Eastern Ghats of South India

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Prosper Umuntunundi 23 Jan 2017

Non-Primate Mammalian Wildlife Abundance and Distribution in Africa’s Youngest National Park — Gishwati - Mukura NP in Rwanda

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Congo (DRC)

Léonard Milenge EO 23 Jan 2017

Conserving Gorilla beringei spp. graueri in the Vulnerable Unprotected Mwana Forest Southern to Itombwe Massif

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Rebecca Borges 23 Jan 2017

Spatial Planning in Brazilian Mangroves: Promoting Awareness of Zoning Strategies in Protected Areas

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Alfred Houngnon 23 Jan 2017

Interplay between Men, Fire and Vegetation: Lessons for Developing Community Tourism and Preserving the Last Threatened Ewe-Adakplame Relic Forest in Benin

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Alerick Pacay 23 Jan 2017

Environmental Educational Program for Teachers at the Guatemalan Caribbean as a Key for Conservation in Rural Areas

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Shivish Bhandari 23 Jan 2017

Ecology and Conservation of the Striped Hyaena (Hyaena hyaena Linnaeus 1758) in Lowland, Nepal

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Ripu Kunwar 23 Jan 2017

Collaborating Communities, Conserving Criticals: Conservation of Indigenous Medicinal Plants and Knowledge in Baitadi and Darchula Districts, Nepal

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Kinley Tenzin 23 Jan 2017

Inventory and Conservation of Bees and Wasps in Western Bhutan

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Jigme Wangchuk 23 Jan 2017

Impacts of Hydropower Dam on Macroinvertebrates and Fish in Kurichhu Hydropower Plant

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Boris Davidov 23 Jan 2017

Continuation of Population Research, Distribution and Conservation of Danube Salmon in Middle and Lower Reaches of the Una River

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Tshering Dema 23 Jan 2017

Collaborative Acoustic Monitoring of Critically Endangered White-Bellied Heron across Multiple Sites in Bhutan

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Janete Ferreira Andrade 20 Jan 2017

Herbivory Under Chronic Human Disturbance and Reduced Rainfall: Implications for the Conservation of the Brazilian Caatinga

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Dorji Norbu 20 Jan 2017

Frogs Diversity and its Habitat Pattern in the Upper Drangmechhu River Basin, Eastern Bhutan

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Tu Vuong Tan 19 Jan 2017

Bats and their Pathogens in Urban and Surrounding Areas of Vietnam: Implications for Conservation and for Prevention of Emergence of Bat-Borne Zoonotic Diseases

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Ninon Meyer 19 Jan 2017

Movement and Conservation of Large Endangered Ungulates in the Darién: The Tapir and the White-Lipped Peccary

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Alejandro Alberto Schaaf 19 Jan 2017

The Impact of Logging on Bird Communities: Recommendations for Sustainable Forest Management in Northwestern Argentina

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Congo (DRC)

Samuel Mbungu Ndamba 19 Jan 2017

Sea Turtle Monitoring and Protection along the Muanda Shoreline, Muanda Mangrove National Park, Democratic Republic Of Congo

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North Macedonia

Dragan Arsovski 19 Jan 2017

Linking Fundamental Research, Public Awareness and Practical Actions to Promote the Conservation of the Hermann’s Tortoise

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Constanza Schapheer Carrasco 18 Jan 2017

Molukia Project: The Ecosystem Role of Native Cockroaches in the Chilean Matorral: Research, Education and Outreach as an Integrated Conservation Strategy