21 Nov 2019 Cancas, Peru, Central and Latin America Marine | Fishes | Habitats
This project aims at: i) understanding the biology, ecology and fishery of juvenile smooth hammerhead sharks, in their nursery areas off northern Peru, ii) raising awareness and suggesting management and conservation actions.
Adult female hammerheads.
The smooth hammerhead shark (Sphyrna zygaena) is an endangered species that is very vulnerable to fisheries. Worldwide its biology and ecology is poorly understood. In the Eastern Pacific, northern Peru represents an important feeding area for juvenile smooth hammerheads. In Peru, this shark is the third most captured shark species in a country that has the highest historical shark landings in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The Peruvian fishery management of smooth hammerhead is recent and weak because of disregarding social-ecological context.
This project aims at understanding the biology, ecology, and fishery interactions of juvenile smooth hammerhead sharks in their nursery areas off northern Peru (Tumbes) in order to suggest management actions for their conservation. Also, we will raise awareness through an educational program in which a children´s book will be published.
A conventional tagging program of capture and recapture will be established, and fishery interactions recorded. We will collaborate with fishers and motivate them to support the project through a reward system based on encouraging an alternative livelihood.