Large-Scale Mammal Community Assessment within the Janos Biosphere Reserve, Chihuahua, Mexico

25 Nov 2016 Janos Biosphere Reserve, Mexico, Central and Latin America Biodiversity | Mammals

Alejandro Ganesh Marin Mendez

We want to update the population status of mammals in the Janos Biosphere Reserve, identify habitat preferences and potential conflict sites in order to make recommendations for their conservation.


In the northern edge of the Sierra Madre Occidental in Northwest Mexico we will update the list of mammals of the Janos Biosphere Reserve. This area is conformed by an altitudinal gradient which goes from the 1300 to 2600 m a.s.l., covering a wide range of ecosystems that includes grasslands, scrublands, streams, oak and pine forests, and one of the lasts aspen forest in Mexico. The area also is prime habitat of several species such as American black bear, three different species of kangaroo rats, shrews, mountain lion, and even jaguar. The presence of this species reflects the outstanding biodiversity present on the region, nevertheless we lack the basic information about the community structure, habitat preferences, and in a broader sense the conservation status for most of the mammals present in this place.

Therefore, we will determine for the first time for many species their population status. We will also obtain the density, abundance and community structure for small mammals in the different altitudinal floors and the species composition changes between different vegetation types. An occupancy model, abundance and interactions between the species of medium and large size mammals will be generated, allowing us to identify the potential conflict sites between carnivores and human activities, habitat preferences through seasons at different altitudinal floors for each species, and the ecological variables that are important to maintain mammal populations.

With this information, and in collaboration with the local stake holders, the Mexican National Commission for Natural Protected Areas (CONANP) and other conservation

NGO ́s and universities, we will be able to generate recommendations to be included in the management plan of the Janos Biosphere Reserve in order to implement better land management for the long term conservation of this matrix of ecosystems and the associated biodiversity.

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